You mess with them by not replying to their "I love you" as they leave

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He said it as he left but you didn't reply so he stood still for a bit then stated it again, louder. Still nothing so he was stuck between leaving and returning. He groaned but rushed back in and stopped when seeing you, asking if you can't hear him, only to get confused as you began laughing. You admitted you were just messing around with him. He gave you very unamused eyes, saying he thought he did something wrong. Both shared a kiss. He said "I love you" clear and loud with eyes that said you better say it back this time so you chuckled it back to him then wished him luck at work. He gave a nod then hurried to the car. On the way to work he shook his head with a chuckle as he thought back to it.


He shouted it as he left, but you didn't reply making him look then call your name. You replied with a "what" so he said "I love you" again, to which you hummed and said you heard. The quickness he was in front of you almost had you laughing, but you kept serious. He suddenly began apologizing for the weird small things he did wrong, or thinks he did wrong. Once he was done you told him you were messing around with him but you are glad he apologized for all of that. He looked annoyed by this, groaning "goddamnit" with your name after it then saying he's taking that all back. He took his leave, but peeked back in and said "I love you", though with less confidence now. But that confidence and happiness returned very quickly when you responded with a "I love you too, be safe on the way".


He told it to you as he snatched his coat and hat, but you just hummed then moved to leave. You were never able to as he had suddenly wrapped his arm around you at such speed he had to slam his other hand against the wall to balance and stop. He asked why he's not getting it back. He gave your neck a kiss, asking what he did wrong. You said nothing but he kept giving such kisses that they became ticklish and made you laugh and cover your neck, promising it's nothing and you are just messing around because you wanted his reaction. His eyes did a roll before he gave you a kiss, telling you not to mess around like that. His hand gave a slap to your ass as a "behave" then he took his leave, sighing as he rather stay here with you than go.


He didn't even process it as he was on auto pilot in saying it then leaving and getting in the car. By the time he was a few streets away was only when he began debating if he heard you say it back, and then he was sure you didn't, only to get paranoid as to why you didn't. The whole ride he just kept wondering "Did I do something wrong?" or if you didn't hear him.

So by the time he arrived to his destination he first quickly used a pay phone to call you and ask, but it was answered by your laughter as if you did something foolish successfully so he realized you were messing with him. He just told you "real mature" then hung up. But as he walked to meet with Henry a little smile was on his face.


He had to suddenly go as Henry called him so he shouted "gotta go, love you!" as he pulled his jacket out the wardrobe. But you didn't reply so he sang "I love you", in a loud tone that you definitely couldn't not hear. So he searched around then found you. Before you could say anything suddenly he was picking you up, repeating "I love you" but in an annoyed arguing tone making you laugh and quickly hold him, repeating it to him. He held you up, asking if you are done messing with him, to which you nod. He put you back down then gave a kiss before saying he really has to go now though.

As he walked away he groaned and rubbed his back, wondering if he's really that old already he can't even pick his lover up without back pain. When he arrived to Henry, who complainly asked why he's so late, he just told Henry to learn to ease up


He told it to you as you both were saying goodbye, but you just nod, not meeting his eyes. His eyes narrowed then he tilted his head before leaning his head down, trying to make you make eye cone asked if you are okay. You nod, humming then said goodbye again. He slowly said goodbye back and moved away, only to turn back very quickly and stop in front of you again, now closer. He asked if you are sure, or if he did something. You had to keep a straight face as it was obvious his brain was working to try and figure it out, going through all his memories to see if he did anything wrong but he couldn't find anything. You couldn't help but chuckld, grabbing his waist as your forehead hit his shoulder, snickering then saying you just wanted to see his reaction if you didn't respond it. To this he let out a sigh and asked, more to himself, why he's surrounded by such childish people. You gave him a kiss, which he reluctantly returned then said a goodbye. This time there wasn't a "I love you", which made you laugh and say it but he didn't return it, just shook his head, refusing to say it now then left. So you laughed in disbelief then shouted after him, asking who is the childish one now. 

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