If you are their best getaway driver

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He finds it weird, being the one not driving. He will be telling you what's going on, like to watch out for the white car, warning you of a crossing pedestrian, or telling you the lights turned red. When you tell him you can see it so he can stop telling you every little thing on the road, he frowned and told you he can't help it.


He gets so excited, cheering while watching with excitement how you shake the cops off you two. He will be excitedly praising you, saying you are so awesome right now and the other mob family is definitely jealous of the don having such a good getaway driver.


He's not the best at being a getaway driver, last time he was he crashed the car and that's how they met Tommy, so he's glad that you are the getaway driver, and such a good one at that. So while you are driving, he will be leaning out the window, shooting the pursuders, yelling stuff at you.


He will be stressed, loudly saying stuff at you while clenching his gun, keeping a look out for cops. When cops start shooting, he will tell you to keep the car steady before leaning out the window and shooting back. When you suddenly take a turn, he's quick to slid back into the seat, angrily asking if you couldn't warn him and that he almost fell out.


He always feels so cool when it happens. He will be cracking jokes while clenching his gun, ready to shoot if needed. When you suddenly spot cops coming your way, you will twirl the wheel and the car spins to get away from the approaching cops, he will be feeling nervous but also so excited.


He will keep a look out for stuff, like cops suddenly appearing, and inform you of these things. Sometimes he will have arranged that another car is somewhere parked so you two can quickly change cars to shake and confuse the pursuders. 

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