When you are touch starved

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Requested by: cloutlumine23

Honestly I didn't really know what to write for this so sorry if it's bad.


When he sees you getting a bit down recalling if there has been much phyiscal touch lately is one of the first things as he learned by now you crave that to feel happy and secure. So when he realizes not much lately he will come to you and give you a hug from behind, surprising you with a soft kiss to your cheek, assuring you he's right if you need him. So if you want to cuddle for a bit he'll gladly do so, holding you close with many cheek kisses as he wants to keep it innocent to show you he isn't just with you for any sexual intimacy but also romantic and genuine affection.


He loves being touchy and being that annoying couple that is so touchy it gets uncomfortable. So you will never be touch starved, matter of fact might even have days you just want to have some personal space but that's usually only once in a few months as his overbearing love is just as if he can't keep the love to himself so he has to have an outlet by pouncing on you, kissing you, hugging you, cuddling you, just hold you in any way he can.


He will ome over and give you the attention you need. It might be a bit bothersome to do and keep focus on but then again holding his partner and giving them some loving is never that bad and bothersome; he just likes to complain at times. His attention usually turns to something more sexual though, especially with all his tracing, ghosting touches that leave you shivering and leaning to his touches while he whispers his flirtatious lines in your ear.


He gladly gives you the love and touch you crave and need. When he sees you are upset and approach him with that look like a puppy who got scolded and now wants some praise he is quick to pull you to him and give it; Sometimes he'll just pull you on his lap and hold you, giving your cheek a kiss without taking his eyes off whatever he's doing and keep you there.


Showering you with love is his specialty! So if you are touch starved that means he failed at his job and he should be ashamed and immediately make up for it! You will be babied right away. He will pick you up and put you down on the closest furniture, joking around while covering your face with kisses until you start laughing his name. He will keep holding you, snickering and talking with you. Usually it stays like this, just innocent touchy joking around; other times it turns more passionate and heated.


He will beckon you over while approaching you, telling you to tell him what's wrong. His arms wrap around you and he listens as you tell him what's bothering you. If you tell him you need some physical love he will give it. He would be crazy to not give it; as if anyone would refuse giving their partner some attention. Depending on mood from you both, situation, etc, depends how he acts. Can be goofy, serious, and/or sensual.

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