When they are scared in the mob

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I was unsure how to title this and hope the title makes sense. It's basically about how they are scared while in the mob and what they do/feel when they feel scared.


When he joined the mob, he got very scared, wondering each day how these guys do this. He's almost always looking over his shoulder in fear he's gonna get shot by another gang, scared he will say something wrong and get shot by the Don, or he will get killed during a fight. But as months passed, he got more used to this. He's still looking over his shoulder and scared he will die in a fight one day, but the fear isn't as big as it was at first.


He's always scared. He tries to play it off with jokes and such, but he's in the mob, for all he knows, he can have a normal walk with you through the park and the next thing he knows, he's getting whacked, so of course he's always scared. But he doesn't like to show it, especially not around you to prevent you from also getting scared or such. So he will play it off with jokes to make it seem as if everything is okay.


Like all men, he was raised not to cry and show fear and all that emotional stuff that people claimed isn't manly. So when he gets scared, he will refuse to show it or admit it since he has the mentality that he isn't allowed to be scared and usually to you can tell he's scared if he gets annoyed or angry. So he uses anger and annoyance to cover up the fact he's scared. When you tell him whoever told him that is lying and fear is a very normal thing, he will huff and ignore what you said. He tries to work on it since he knows fear and such is normal, but he grew up with this mentality so he can't help it.


Whenever loud bangs went, like fireworks, he would get flashbacks to the war and pull you to him and hide. He did it automatically and it always made him embarrassed, but you assured him it's okay and you understand. When he joined the mafia, he encountered gunshots again and his reaction to sudden loud bangs changed. So now whenever a loud bang happens, he will take your arm tightly, eyeing his surroundings, trying to see if there is actual danger or not. If there is, he is quick to push you to safety and pull out his gun. If there is no danger, he will let go, apologizing.


He isn't really scared of being in the mob, he knew what he signed up for. He's more scared that you will get harmed. Whnever he did something big, he will stay at hotels or motels for a week so if someone is following him, you aren't in danger, and once he feels it's safe and nobody is following, he goes back home to you. If he even hears a rumor that someone is gonna attack you or the place you both live at, he will make you pack your things and go live at a friend's or family member's place for a few weeks until he's certain you are safe and nobody is gonna attack.


He knew what he got into when he joined the mob and he was prepared for the consequences. He doesn't like showing fear or that he's scared so you can never tell when he's scared or of what, but he is scared sometimes but he will hide it and try to act normal. When you tell him it's okay to be scared, he will chuckle and say he knows, he just doesn't like showing it and worrying you with his issues.

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