When you superglue a jar shut and ask them to open it

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IMPORTANT: Tik Tok has a new fucked up trend, like they usually do, this time they will make it "national rape day" so they will rape people on 24th of April so please be safe and only go outside if needed!

I don't know if this is a fucked up joke from trolls and they won't do it or if they will actually do this, but either way, there are always fools who will believe this trend and go do it so be careful.


He took it and tried but cursed and looked at his red hand, saying he can't open it and that really hurt. He tried again but he couldn't so he shrugged, unsure what to do now before he told you to just open another one, he will try to open this one later.


He chuckled and jokingly asked how weak you are before trying to open it, only to frown and try harder. He asked what's with this jar while eyeing it before trying again. But you couldn't hold your laugh anymore so laughed making him look, confused. When you laughed out you superglued it shut, he laughed and asked really before snickering that's such a dumb but weirdly funny thing to do.


He tried it a few times before giving up, saying he was gonna stop by the store anyway so he will pick up a new one. Then he chuckled and said he will just give this one to Paulie. Paulie was confused to get a jar but took it anyway since he's not gonna say no to free stuff.


He actually managed to open it. As you stared, impressed and shocked, he awkwardly asked what's wrong, unsure what's with the expression you are giving him. When you began laughing you glued that shut, he chuckled and said the military made him a very strong man.


He laughed and held his hand out, telling you to hand that to someone who will be able to open it. He wasn't one to admit he's too weak to open a stupid jar so he kept trying, his face even turning red. When you finally told him you superglued it shut, he stared before asking what. As you said it again, it processed through his mind before he laughed, saying that makes sense.


He tried a few times but failed each time so he got a spoon and hit it, saying this is a trick he heard should help open jars. He also put it under very hot water and finally he managed to open it. As he watched you take it with this little mischievous smile, he was quick to ask what you did to the jar.

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