You make a loud declaration of love to them at a bar

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He puts a hand to the side of his face, looking away as he sips his drink; really hoping all those eyes stop looking and you stop speaking so loud for all to hear.

When you began going into detail of your love for him he decided now is enough so he was quick to slap enough money down on the table, take your arm, and hurry out of there while trying to calm you down.


He's as drunk, if not more, so he's giggling about it and joining in. He feels so giddy inside and just wants to cuddle you right now. So he does; hugging your side and murmuring drunken love statements. Both are stuck there until Tommy came to pick you both up. Then Paulie began about how good of a friend Tommy is and telling Tommy the amazing things about you.


He will watch with a mixture of amusement and embarrassment. So he just drinks more so he can feel less embarrassment and just enjoy the love. Once you began stumbling over your words he pulled you on his lap and held you there, snickering you are insane.

So now he kept you on his lap, many kisses on your neck and shoulders. So obviously after a while he decided this should be taken somewhere more private.


Okay, yep it's clearly time for you to go. So he just finishes his drink swiftly then wraps your waist and throws you on his shoulder like a soldier would to an injured one then hurries out; telling people to just focus on their own stuff.

He kept scolding you as he drove home, though to little avail so he just sighed and said 'yes yes I know' as you kept complimenting him and declaring how much you love him.


He's as drunk, laughing his ass off then pulls you on his lap and starts kissing you so much that people around start complaining. So he asked if you want to leave from these interruptions, to which you nod so both got out of there.

Or at least wanted to but the bartender refused to let you two leave so Joe called Vito. Poor Vito had to drive you two love birds, who kept making out in the back seats even though Vito kept complaining to stop.


He just watched with raised eyebrows, wondering if you are really doing this and if you even realize yourself all the attention you are drawing. When you began adding explicit details that is no strangers' business he was quick to cover your mouth, nervously laughing he thinks you had enough alcohol for the night.

He paid for the drinks then pulled you out with him, sighing that he thinks he will never have a peaceful day again. When you asked if he's angry about it he gave you a smile then a kiss, assuring they might not be peaceful but at least they are fun and eventful so he's okay with it.

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