When you fall asleep on the couch

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He can't help but smile at it, you look so beautiful, even if you are in a weird position and even drooling because that just makes you adorable. He will gently lay a blanket over you and give your cheek a kiss. He will make sure to keep himself busy so he doesn't disturb you.


It makes him snicker and think of you as adorable but also mischievous ideas form. He bought a camera specially because he wanted to take a picture of you taking a nap so he pulled out that camera, so giddy he had to much sure not to wake you up.


He will smile and give your temple a kiss. He will just move your legs or head to sit down then lay it on his lap so he can still sit down. When you wake up a bit at him moving you he just tells you "it's okay" and strokes your hair until your eyes close again.


He will smile then slide his arms under your knees and back then carry you to the bed. When you wake up a bit he whispers "sssh, it"s okay, just moving you". When you worry you weigh too much he assures you with a laugh that he has carried heavier things.


He will chuckle and just flop down on one of the one person couches around the coffee table then decide a nap is a good idea so also get comfy, hands folded on his stomach and sliding down a bit with his ankles crossing over again then falls asleep.


He will take a blanket and lay it over you then go and sit on a chair instead. Sometimes if he sees you starting to wake up he'll ask you to sit up then sits down before letting you lay back down with your head on his lap. He'll tell you of the newspapers interesting topics while you doze back off.

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