When you're lying on the bed and open your arms to invite them to cuddle

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He let out a "huh?", unsure what you want before asking if you are asking to cuddle. As you nod, he chuckled and said he can always make time to cuddle. He got comfortable aside you then both cuddled.


He let out a nervous chuckle, feeling weirdly as if this is some prank but then crawled aside you. You pulled him into a comfortable cuddling position then both just laid there, talking and laughing.


He didn't immediately get it, too busy with other things on his mind. When you chuckled and told him cuddle, he let out an "ow" then felt a bit awkward and embarrassed he didn't immediately get it and just stared while you held your arms open. He sighed, deciding he could use a break from all this thinking. He crawled aside you and held you, letting out another sigh, this time from relief.


He came home when you did it. He chuckled and was quick to shrug off his jacket, just dropping it on the floor, and climbing on the bed and to you. He flopped down aside you, holding you tightly, sighing today was tiring so this is nice to come home to. He fell asleep not even three minutes later. He couldn't help it, he was tired from his exhausting day, he's in the arms of the person he loves, feeling relaxed and happy.


He didn't need to be told twice, immediately jumping aside you and holding you, giving your neck a few kisses, asking how he could possibly decline you. It didn't stay with cuddling though, he couldn't keep his hands to himself because you looked so beautiful today.


He just glanced then chuckled, finding this weirdly cute. He shrugged his jacket off and hung it neatly on a chair then walked over and laid aside you, waiting for you to get in a comfortable cuddle position before he held you as well.

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