When you have a nightmare

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He will softly stroke your hair in a soothing manner, hoping this will help you stop dreaming about the nightmare and know that he's here for you. When you woke up, asking him what he's doing, he gave you a smile, a bit embarrassed he's caught stroking your hair but answered your question, telling you you were having a nightmare so he was trying to comfort you.


He will wake you up, nervously saying you were having a nightmare and he didn't know what else to do. When you told him it's just a nightmare and everything is okay, he frowned, still worried before he asked you if you are sure you are okay and don't wish to talk about it or need a hug or something. When you chuckled and told him you are sure, he nod and laid back down. He couldn't fall asleep that well because he kept worrying you might not be okay but he didn't wish to push the topic.


He will glance before tiredly sighing, shuffling a bit so he can lay comfortable and wrap an arm around you to tug you closer to let you know he's here and everything is okay before he went back to sleep. The next day he asked you if you are okay, asking what your nightmare was about.


He has many nightmares himself so he knows how scary they can be so he never jokes about them and takes them serious. When you wake up from a nightmare, he will calmly assure you it was a nightmare and everything is okay now. He will ask you if you wish to talk about it, telling you talking about your nightmares can sometimes help.


He stared, unsure what to do before he shook you. When you woke up, he awkwardly said you were having a nightmare so he thought he should wake you up. When you chuckled and thanked him, he shrugged, mumbling of course. It was silent for a bit so he asked if you are going back to sleep or else he will prepare some breakfast. Later when Vito and him were in the car, he awkwardly asked Vito how he should comfort you after a nightmare since he knows Vito has a few.


He waited until you woke up by yourself, having heard waking someone up from a nightmare is not a good thing to do. When you woke up, he told you you were having a nightmare and everything is okay now. He asked you if you need something to drink or an item that might comfort you, or just need to talk about it. When you said a glass of water would be great, he gave you a smile, rubbing your arm in a way that said everything is okay and he will be right back before he left to get you a glass of water.

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