When you kiss them mid-argument to shut them up

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He has to take a second, sometimes touching his lips as if to see if it was real, then frowns and tells you that's not how you'll win this argument.


He turns into a giggling mess, all anger forgotten. Unless he's in a truly bad mood, then don't even dare because he is still not right in the head so it can end dangerous.


He will stare at you, mind trying to decide how to proceed but failing to think so he just tells you you don't ever play fair then pulls you closer to get some more kisses.


He has to blink, process, then ask "Did you just..." without finishing the sentence then try to be annoyed but can't help a laugh from disbelief and amusement.


Yep, fuck arguing, it was about a stupid thing anyway. Why argue when can both enjoy each other's bodies~? So arguing turns to a steamy fun time.


He will give you unamused eyes, saying a sarcastic remark along lines of "yes, now I'll forget it all and let you have satisfaction" then just continues the discussion, now more calm and both giving equal chances to speak.

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