When you two move in together

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Usually when I write these, I always imagine the MC and them already living together but some of you might not so I decided to accept this idea that sxhoolsxcksuser send in and also show how they would react to it.


He lived in a shitty apartment when you first brought it up so he declined, not wishing for you to be stuck with him in this shitty apartment, telling you you can both speak about this again when he has more money. So when he finally had all the money, both spoke about it again and he let him help him search a new house, one you wouldn't mind moving into either. So once it was found, he awkwardly asked you if he can first live here alone for a few weeks to get used to it all and think about it. So he thought abou tit a lot, making sure there is a lot of space for your stuff and furniture before he told you he's ready for you to move in with him. He loved living together. Waking up to see you, able to hug and kiss you whenever he wants, just being togehter a lot.


He won't let you move in with him, he's too embarrassed. If you don't mind him moving in with you, then he will gladly do so. It's a bit of a bother as he was messy and sometimes did stuff you disliked, but after some talking and reminding him to stop, he stopped doing these things and it all went better. If you don't want him moving in with you, then both didn't move in with each other and just continued how you both did it. He did say when he finally gets a better place, you can both definitely move in together into that place. This was also one of the main things that motivated him to rob that bank so he can get the money quickly and you both can move in together.


You both spoke about it a few times but he wasn't sure. He didn't know why, he just wasn't entirely sure so you asked him if it's because he's afraid you might cross some boundaries. When he said maybe, you suggested making a list with rules you both have to follow so you can both happily and comfortably live together. So both made a list. Not invading each other's privacy or teaching the others person's stuff without permission was very high on the list. So both moved in and lived together. It was a bit getting used to for him but eventually he got used to it and didn't mind, happy that you both havenot broken any of the rules on the list yet.


When he began earning a lot of money, he got a bit too greedy with it and didn't mind buying the best house in the best neighborhood. When you spoke about living together, he smiled and said you can definitely move in. It was some getting used to after living alone for a few months but he lived with his mother and sister for years so he wasn't too unfamiliar with living with other people so he got used to it very quickly.


He felt awkward when you brought it up, slowly asking if he can move in with you. Normally he doesn't mind you seeing his apartment, but for some reason he got embarrassed by his apartment now, knowing it's old and not the best looking with annoying neighbors. If you don't mind him moving in, he moved in with you. But if you don't want to live at the place you currently have, both will put some money together and get a new house.


He was the one who brought it up. He was looking out his window, feeling lonely, wishing he had you to keep him company, so the next time he saw you, he asked you about it. Both had many serious talks about it since moving in together is a serious thing that can change a lot and eventually you moved in with him. He had to get used to it a bit but he loved it, he didn't feel so lonely anymore and now whenever he wished to talk to you, he could just do it and didn't have to wait until he saw you again.

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