When you give their neck suggestive kisses but then leave

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His eyes will close, enjoying this, then frowns at the loss so he opens his eyes then sighs your name and weakly laughs. If you glance back and ask if he's coming or not he blinks then is quick to follow, nodding wildly.


A smirk will grow, singing to himself that he's about to get lucky, but then goes "heeeey!" when you suddenly pull away and leave then reaches out, whining you can't do this to him. He's quick to get up and follow you so close.


His hands slide on your sides but then you try to leave so he's quick to wrap his arms around you and pull you close to his chest, asking with a smirk where you are going. So now he gave your neck those kisses.


His hand snatches your wrist before you can leave and pins you to the closest surface, laughing that you are not starting something and not finishing it then attacked your neck with playful kisses until you began laughing.


He's so excited already! Who doesn't love when their partner does this?! But then he got dissapointed as your touch left so he complained that this should be a crime and he can't deal with his issue alone.


He felt all stress leave and a smile form but then frown as your touch left. He told you you can't do this while reaching out to you. You answered you can so he playfully chased you then once caught covered you with kisses.

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