When they spoil you

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Requested by: sxhoolsxcksuser


He never had the money to spoil you with gifts so all he could spoil you with was love so kisses, hugs, cuddles and such. He always felt bad he couldn't spoil you with gifts, especially when he hears other men bragging about doing that to their lovers, making him feel like a bad lover. So when he finally got a lot of money, he was quick to buy you many meaningful gifts he could spoil you with.


He didn't have the money and didn't really see the point in it. A relationship shouldn't be about spoiling each other with gifts anyway, just makes it seem as if you are dating for the gifts. You have a feeling he just says that as an excuse though. When he does have extra cash, he will buy you some small gift that wasn't too expensive but he knows you will still enjoy, saying he can't buy more so he hopes you can enjoy this one gift.


Sometimes if he sees something he thinks you might like in a store mirror, he will go in and buy it. So when he gets home, he call pull it out from behind him and present it to you with a smile, telling you he couldn't resist buying it for you when he saw it.


When he got a lot of money, he got a bit greedy and didn't mind spending it on stuff, including a lot of stuff for you, spoiling you with gifts becoming one of his favorite things even. He just loved when he could come home with a gift for you and get to see your reaction.


He likes spoiling you, when you are happy he gets happy, but he doesn't always have the money and he has other stuff to buy so he can't always spoil you. When he gets you something, you can tell by how smug and proud he walks in, smug and proud that he's being a good boyfriend.


He's not really into spoiling. He doesn't think a person should be spoiled either, never leads to anything good in his eyes. So he won't spoil you, the closest to getting spoiled you will get is with love when he takes you on a fancy date when he got a big paycheck from the boss.

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