When they get called to work right before a date

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He wanted to say he can't but all that came out was "euhm" as he was debating how to explain it, if he even should, and Paulie was talking to much that he could barely get a word in. And then Paulie up, having given Tommy no chance to say anything or decide something. So Tommy sighed and rested his head against the wall, deciding how he should explain this to you. When you asked if that was work, he sighed again before saying yes and he's been asked to come immediately. It was silent a bit before you assured him he can go if he really has to, which just made him feel more awful. He nod and began pulling his coat on while saying you two can probably still go on a date when he returns. Before he left, he gave you a kiss and apologized, promising he will try and make up for it somehow.


Sam called him so Paulie tried to reason with him but it didn't work so he cursed, giving you this sorry and "I'm trying!" look as he desperatly asked Sam if he can't do it without him since he and you were really excited for this date. But Sam denied and said he has to be here then hung up making Paulie yell Sam before groaning. He put the phone away with a sad sigh, also having been excited to go on the date. He apologized to you many times while he hurried around to get ready and leave for work.


He's always ready to drop everything for work, which includes a date night. When you gave him a glare, he assured you you two can go on a date some other time. When you said it's almost as if he only cares about work, he groaned and said that's not it and you knew this could happen since work can always call at any moment to call him away.


He tried to reason with Joe that he can't come and that he promised to take you out today, but Joe told him that this is more important than some date he can have tomorrow. Vito groaned as he was debating it but then sighed he will be there. So he awkwardly approached you, all kind of ways he can tell you the news. He motioned with his thumb over his shoulder, saying that was work and it's extremely important so he has no choice.


He cursed a lot once the call ended. When you walked in, pulling on your coat, asking him what's wrong, he awkwardly said no need for your coat. As you glanced outside to see if it's too warm for a coat, he added the date won't be able to continue. When you sighed out it's work again, he gave you a sorry look before promising you he will take you wherever you want to go when he has time.


He kept composed while on the phone, not mentioning he was about to go on a date. Nobody in the business even knows about you and him, which he insists to keep that way to keep you safe. When the call ended, he apologized to you and explained that he has to go to work immediately but he will take you out tomorrow then. On the way back home from work, he bought you something he knew you would like as another sorry for having to go to work and postpone the date.

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