When they see your front door ajar

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He stopped in his walking, stared, feeling unease form so he pulled out his gun, opening the door, slowly saying your name. When you didn't reply, he said your name a little louder, only to let out a relieved sigh when you shouted back. When you came in view, he hurried to you before hugging you, informing you that you forgot to close and lock the front door. When you apologized, saying you didn't even realize, he shook his head, mumbling he's just happy you are okay because he was already thinking the worst situations.


He didn't think much of it, many people forget to close their doors. Or at least he does. So he just pushed it open, happily yelling your name. When you realized you forgot to close the front door, he did a silent cheer, happy he was correct when he thought that you forgot to close it.


He immediately pulled out his gun and rushed in, shouting your name. When you hurried in view, asking what's wrong, he cursed before pointing at the door, asking why it's open. When you said you were about to leave, he stared before checking the rooms, feeling unease and as if someone might be hiding. When you hugged him, whispering there is nobody here to harm you, he eyed the room before putting his gun away, rubbed his face in exhaustion before mumbling you can't just keep your door open like that when you are dating someone who has a job where many want him dead, or to see him suffer by killing his lover.


When he saw your door open, he immediately pulled out his gun and stormed in, ready to shoot whoever got inside, only to sigh when he saw you sitting on your sofa. When you asked him why he has his gun out, he just shut your door and locked it, telling you he told you to always keep your door locked. When you said you knew he was coming so decided to unlock it, he shook his head, saying even lock it for him.


He stared at the ajar door, feeling unease forming before putting his hand on his gun and pushing the door open, slowly saying your name. When you came in view, curiously asking what's wrong, he let out a breath before letting go of his gun, saying it's nothing before he pointed at the door, asking why the damn door was open.


He immediately went against the wall, pulling out his gun before pushing the door open, eyeing inside before sneaking in, really hoping you just forgot to close this door and there is no enemy inside. When he saw you asleep on the sofa, clearly having just returned from an exhausting day out, he sighed before checking every room to be sure. Once he was sure there was no one but you and him, he closed the door, locked it, before taking a blanket and putting it over you.

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