When you both meet a famous gangster

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I made a Detroit: Become Human x Reader Scenarios book so please check it out if you are interested.

I got this idea while writing for my Boardwalk Empire scenario book. It's just a scenario written for fun so don't take it too serious.


He knew you were at a casino so he went over. He told you to come home because you have been here for hours. When you said it's so fun though, he sighed, glancing at your opponent only to stare before forcing a smile. He leaned down to your ear and whispered, asking if you know who is over you. When you mumbled not really, he had to resist a face palm as he whispered that is Arnold Rothstein. When Arnold spoke, Tommy froze, wondering if he did something wrong and is about to be shot, but Arnold smiled and told you it would be wise to go home with your partner because he seems geniunly worried about you. When you sighed and got up, apologizing for having to end the game, Arnold smiled and said you can both continue the game another day and he also has to go anyway so it's okay. Once outside the building, Tommy sighed and asked how you didn't know that was Arnold Rothstein before he mumbled next time he's coming along because he doesn't trust these gangsters, even if it is a gangster like Arnold Rothstein who never fires, that gangster still has bodyguards who do.


You were both just relaxing on the side of the road in the countryside when a car parked in front of you both. You both immediately reached for your guns, only to calm down when a young man stepped out with a young woman, both unharmed with kind smiles. The young man politely asked if you are both okay. Paulie said a bit hungry but fine, the man admitted he thought your truck maybe had a flat tire before he said they have some sandwhiches they are willing to share. So you four sat together on the grass, eating the food and talking. The two introduced themselves as Clyde Barrow and Bonnie Parker. Paulie stared before he laughed, asking if they are those two outlaws. Clyde was more than happy to say yes. So after you all ate the food and the conversation was done, all said a goodbye before parting ways. Paulie bragged about having met the two famous outlaws to a few people. When the two died, Paulie was upset for a few hours, saying they were so young and so nice.


He's usually a calm man, but when he saw a man flirting with you, he was quick to get angry and storm over, pushing the man aside, angrily asking who the fuck they think they are. When the man held out his hand, happily saying Benjamin Siegel, but he may call him Benny, Sam was confused for a second only to freeze when he remembered having read in the newspaper of this insane man. He swallowed before taking the man's hand, unsure what else he had to do, saying he's Sam and your name, making sure to add you are his lover. When Benny suggested a threesome, Sam stared, only to curse when Benny wrapped his arm around his shoulders, laughing out that was a joke so Sam let out a fake, nervous chuckle. Once Benny left, Sam cursed, asking why that man was flirting with you. When you shrugged and said he just randomly appeared, Sam mumbled that bastard is a psychopath before he took your hand and dragged you away from the place, claiming it's not safe to stay near that man.


A man bumped against you and didn't even apologize so Vito was quick to yell after him, angrily telling them to apologize to his lover. When the man turned, Vito was quick to realize he fucked up because before him stood Al Capone. When Capone asked what Vito just said to him, Vito had many answers, and he had a feeling all of them could end with him with a bullet in his head, so he simply said in a calmer tone that he bumped into his lover and didn't even apologize. When you awkwardly said it's okay, Vito said it's not, which caused Al Capone to laugh, saying he's a good and protective boyfriend. Al looked at you, apologizing for the harsh bump before he turned and left. Once the man was far away, Vito cursed, mumbling he thought you both were done for.


He and you just ate some lunch in a diner. As he reached into his jacket for his wallet, he cursed, saying he lost his wallet during the mission. When you awkwardly said you don't have any cash on you either, suddenly a figure stood aside the table so both looked. Enoch Johnson stared down at you both. He asked if you are Y/n and Joe. When you both nod, he laid down some money with a letter on, saying to give this to your boss. Joe was quick to thank him, promising to deliver the letter safely while nervously taking the letter and safely stuffing it away. When he left, you let out a nervous laugh, saying you both just met one of the biggest gangsters and he even paid for your meal. Joe let out a breath of disbelief, mumbling he never felt so scared and nervous before. Once you paid for the meal, you both hurried into the car, Joe saying you both best deliver this letter first before going home.


When he entered a diner he agreed to meet you, he apologized for being late, only to get confused when he saw your blank expression. He worriedly asked if you are okay, only to get shocked when you said you just met Meyer Lanksy. He was quick to sit down, asking you for some details and how the man is. When you chuckled and said he was very polite and kind, even paying for the drink you ordered, Henry nod, admitting he has always found Meyer Lansky quite an amazing man before he began a rant about how smart the man is and about some other things. When he realized he was rambling, he awkwardly apologized.

Again, don't take this chapter serious, I just decided to put some of the gangsters that interest me a lot into this story for fun.

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