If you are a writer and make them read your manuscript

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He'll read it, serious as this is your job to produce something proper and well thought of so he wants to help you be sure this is so. When you ask what he finds of it he'll praise it. If something could be changed in it he'll carefully mention it, not wanting to hurt your feelings but also be honest.


He'll read it, calling out all the cliches before they happen and bet on what will happen next chapter. He's reacting out loud; either laugh, shock, anger, whatever; which is handy for you to know how your readers will react. When he gives it back he claims he already looks forward to the next one.


He will read it over quick, mocking it if it is sappy or the lines he finds are spoken by a high pitched voice. He does enjoy it, but if he has to just be silent and serious during the reading he won't make it to the end. When he hands it back he'll either say it's good or say what could be changed.


He will read it during his free time when he has nothing better to do or take it with him to read as he waits on others at work. When you ask what he thought and he found something bad he will do a little anxious "eh" and nervous laugh as he doesn't want to outright say it wasn't good and could change stuff but then does say so as you need to know to learn and change it.


He doesn't like reading. It's so much work. So just quick scan over it, maybe doing silly voices to act out some characters, or will ask if it includes sex scenes as he flips to hopefully some steamy scene. But he always hands it back, claiming it's good.


He will read it bit by bit, just take it with him for those long car rides or when he's waiting for those two idiots. Each time you ask how it is he assures you it's good so far and he looks forward to the next part. Once done he gave you a thorough review, being truthful of it all.

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