When you ask for a pet

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You brought it up, asking if you can have the pet you want, so he asked if you did research, made sure it has enough space, how much it would cost, if you can both spend that money on an animal, all that stuff that is important before getting an animal. If the answer is no, he will awkwardly say he doesn't think it's a wise choice then. If the answer is yes, he will shrug and say it sounds interesting and an animal companion could be fun so sure.


Sadly the apartment doesn't allow animals. He suggested sneaking one in, but you told him the noises and smell will give it right away, to which he pouted and mumbled he really wanted an animal companion. So both made a promise that once you both buy a house, will both buy an animal.


A cat is the only animal he wanted because he's always busy so he doesn't have time to take care of an animal nor does he have a lot of time to play with an animal and he just finds cats interesting. Sometimes you will find him fallen asleep after work with the cat on him.


It wasn't a planned decision, you found an injured animal so you took it in, unable to leave this starving, lonely animal. When you brought it home, he told you he's busy with work so he can't look after an animal, so you told him this animal will be your responsibility. He stared, knowing he will also have to take care of it, before he sighed when he saw how hopeful you looked and said you can keep it. When you happily cheered and gave him a hug, he chuckled and patted your back, saying you will have to come up with a name for it now.


It was a decision made while you both were drunk. You asked him if he would want the pet you want, and he gasped before saying he thought of buying one a few times before. So you both drove to a pet store and bought one. The next day when sober, both stared at it before you said you have no clue how to raise this, so he hummed and said there is no food for this animal nor toys either. Both stared at it again in silence before you said you will do research and he goes to buy the equipment so both split ways to go do the tasks you assigned.


As long as it's an animal that can take care of itself and needs little attention, he's fine with it. He doesn't have a lot of time since he's always focused on work and then he's too tired to look after one/spend time with one, so he doesn't spend much time with the animal, but if he passes by it, he will give the animal a few pets and talk to it before walking away.

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