You get shot and it ends badly

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He tends to freeze when he sees people die up close. And so when the BANG came he froze completely. He only moved when you slumped forward, hitting him so he stumbled back then quickly took his pistol. He aimed it to the shooter, pulling the trigger without thinking while crouching down; yelling your name and that it's gonna be okay. He took your arm, groaning as he pulled you behind a car while still shooting, well he would but the gun was out of bullets so nothing happened.

He failed to put the new bullets in many times as he was trembling so bad. But he didn't hear any more shouting causing him to peek around the car. The shooter laid on the street, motionless. Just like you. Tommy was quick to cover your wound, yelling your name then quickly breaking the car window then unlocking it. He put you inside then drove to the doctor with such speed he almost crashed few times. But he didn't care. Only one thing mattered now: making sure you live.

That hope was useless. He knew it the second he saw you didn't move anymore while lying against the car, but he couldn't just give up hope that quick. You have to still be alive! He begged the doctor to fix it, even though he knew there was no way to fix it. He spend a good few minutes, maybe hour or two even, just crouched aside you, face in hands; sobbing the first few minutes then it was just silent remeniscing, pondering on what to do now, how he will continue. He thinks this was the moment he knew for certain he has to make contact with the FBI to get out of here.


Everything was good. It was fun, there was laughter. The guys were celebrating, with some partners on their hips. So Paulie brought you, of course. Sam advised against it but Paulie didn't care. He should have listened. Because not even a half hour when suddenly BANG!

Paulie stared as the person aside him, you, was now gone. He looked down. His cries broke the shocked silence in the room immediately. He sobbed like a child, falling to his knees, his hands trembling over your head, where blood leaked out the hole on your forehead. He wrapped his arms around you, pulling you close: holding you tight and crying "nooo, this can't be! Fuck!". Sam angrily shouted this is why he should have left you, so Paulie screamed back he just wanted you to come have a fun time as well. Tommy was quick to crouch aside Paulie, hurriedly telling him they have to go as more bullets are flying in. Paulie refused to leave, so Sam and Tommy had to drag him by his arms, which was hard as Paulie flailed like crazy.

Once the shooting stopped the don send some guys to get your body and even paid for a proper burial for you. Paulie's whole body trembled as he watched your coffin go in the ground. Tommy put a hand on his shoulder, causing Paulie whispered; "They will pay. They will all fuckin' pay!". His planning after the funeral was simple: get revenge then end his own life as this life sucks and he just wants to be with you again.


You were telling him at some diner booth about a trick you learned where you put paper on top of a glass full of water and it won't spill. He shook his head with a chuckle, calling bullshit on that. You laughed and promised it's true and you will show him. He watched you stick up your hand to call for a glass of water, looking for a waiter.

BANG. Your body suddenly jerked. Your head moved slowly to look at him then down to your own chest. There was a hole, leaking out tons of blood. At first everything went slow but then it went all so fast as your head swung forward. It smacked onto Sam's hand as he had jumped out the booth to start shooting back and be aside you. He got the man, which by then everyone had cleared out the diner. He called for you to stay with him, cursing under his breathe as he hooked your arm around his shoulders and slid you out the booth. He dragged you, cursing and apologizing, blaming himself, saying how he knew this was a fucking mistake. As he put you in the car he told you this is why he never takes you out, but then he put it back on him; cursing he should have known this would happen.

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