Chapter 38: A real zoo

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"Either I stop finding prohibited material or I have to look for another way to destroy it!" Valentina had just discovered how dangerous it was to destroy all evidence of her girlfriend's obsession. Her latest bonfire, containing magazines and videos, almost got out of hand.

Once the dirty work was done, she had every intention of going to the pool, rather, she wanted to lie in the sun for a long time. Even though she didn't want to, she had to agree with her friend, she needed a little colour to wear the dress for tomorrow's party. "Stupid Lauren and her stupid idea of making everyone ​​wear white!" She remembered the Latina as soon as she was about to choose her mesh. She had bought two bikinis, one white and one black. The two colours which Juliana could not resist. "Okay Juliana Valdés, let's see how long you can continue paying attention to your bikes when you see me like this."

The rule was very clear... if Valentina wanted attention, Valentina got it. And this would not be the exception, the blonde wanted her girlfriend with her all the time, touching her, looking at her, even jealous, whatever it took to have her all to herself. You could say that Valentina was craving her girlfriend and when a woman has a craving it is a sin not to satisfy it.

"Because it's only the first day, I won't be cruel, I'll wear the black," she told herself. "I don't want to make her suffer either." The blonde knew if Juliana discovered her white underwear or in this case, a bikini, it was very likely that Valentina would not come out of the situation unscathed.

"I don't think mommy Juls will like you wearing that bikini mommy!" Kara appeared without warning, making her mother jump.

"KARA! You scared me!" She said with a hand on her chest. "Well, I'm sure she will like it..." Valentina had already thought it through. "But... out of curiosity, why do you think that?" Her daughter's opinion wouldn't hurt.

"Do you remember the time the three of us went to the park and a guy said something about your bottom that you didn't want me to hear?" The girl asked.

"Yeah, I remember, but what does that have to do with..."

"And what happened to the guy?" She asked again.

"Juliana threw a ball and hit him in the face." Valentina answered. "Even so, I don't understand what that has to do with my bikini!" She didn't want to see it.

"And when we were in line at the cinema about to go see Spiderman and a man asked you if you were single... What happened to the man?" Wondered the kangaroo.

"Juliana knocked his popcorn on the floor and poured a soda over his head!" She was beginning to understand her daughter's point.

"And when the waiter at that restaurant left you his phone number, what did she do?" Kara wanted her mother to remember.

"She almost got him fired!" She would never forget that day.

"And when..."

"OK, OK... listen darling..." Valentina crouched down to her daughter's level, "When you grow up you will meet someone who is going to drive you crazy!" The girl looked at her with full attention. "And you will want to draw the attention of that person... Like you with Bella for example," the photographer found a way to explain. "What do you do when you want to attract the attention of one of your friends?" Valentina knew the girl had several. "What do you do when you want Bella to pay attention to you?" She specified.

"Nothing!" She answered simply.

"What do you mean nothing?" She could not believe the simplicity of her daughter.

"Mommy Juls says that we never go to the ladies... the ladies come to us!" She recited.

"Really? Is that what she says?" Of course Juliana would say that.

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