Chapter 76. Six minutes in family heaven

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Scarlet's audition day

The four Valdés Carvajal girls arrived home after a long day at school.

"CONGRATULATIONS!" Their mothers, Kara and Elena welcomed them with a huge banner that said, 'You did it!' celebrating the newest member of the cheerleading squad, who was proudly wearing her new uniform.

"How did you know Barbie and I became girlfriends?" Macarena asked surprised.

"WHAT?" Juliana's expression changed quickly.

"I'm just kidding mommy, it's a joke!" The owl calmed her before something happened. "A BIG CHEER FOR SCARLET!" she asked. Supporting her sister and refocusing her mother's attention.

"Well done little fish!" It was Juliana's turn to hug her. "We are very proud of you... now you just need to end it with that stupid boyfriend of yours..."


"MOMMY!" They all challenged her.

"It was a joke!" She defended herself as she grabbed the car keys. "Celebration dinner tonight?"

"Bella's coming over tonight," Kara announced. The brunette's gaze went straight to Anne, who immediately sought her mother's gaze. "She wants to congratulate Scarlet."

"Mommy, can we talk for a moment before you go?" The sloth suddenly felt nervous.

"Yes, we can talk quickly honey, but I have to go, I have a team to train," she said as she approached her wife.

"Do you have training?" Scarlet asked.

"Of course, like every day!" She answered. "Goodbye, love of my life," she spoke to her wife. "I'm going to miss you a lot... a lot," she kissed her.

Kara rolled her eyes; she had her daughter in her arms and her little sister wrapped around her waist. "My God, you can't turn your back on them for two seconds to tie up a banner before they're hugging or kissing or... something!" She looked at her sisters while their mothers' said goodbye.

"Do you think we don't live in this house?" Maca replied sarcastically. "Last night mom was helping me with my homework, I started to google who was the president in the fifties, and I don't know how, but when I turned back, I found them like that, on my bed!" The goodbye kiss had intensified.

"That's nothing," Anne jumped in. "This morning, when I came down to breakfast, there was no juice on the table, there was no milk, there was no toast or cereal. Do you know what there was?" She asked her sisters, ignoring what was going on behind them. "Mommy was on top of our other mother. ON THE TABLE!"

"I saw them too," Jules spoke, backing up her sister as she tickled her niece's little feet.

Kara rolled her eyes. "What a pair of Mormons!" she said, noticing her sister's miserable expression. Scarlet didn't seem very happy about winning her spot on the squad.

"Okay. Now we're ready to go." Scarlet heard the 'we' and her face lit up. "Are you ready little sheep?" Juliana took her granddaughter.

"Are you taking Elena?" Scarlet asked.

"Yep," her mother answered. "I want to introduce her to the team. See you later," she kissed each of her daughters and left with her granddaughter.

Before Kara had the chance to speak, Scarlet had already rushed off to her room. The kangaroo looked at her mother. "What's wrong with her?" she asked.

Valentina shook her head and sighed. "Scarlet feels like she's lost the special connection she had with Juliana."

"And what does mommy Juls say?"

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