Chapter 74. There is only one Maca!

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"Did you not like my surprise?" asked the athlete.

Juliana scanned the garden, two things drawing her attention, the first was Scarlet, who was participating in the choreography and the other was her wife, dressed as a cheerleader.

"MOMMY! YOU'RE EARLY!" Maca ran to greet her mother while Juliana stared intently at her wife.

"Did you change her?" Kara asked as she greeted her mother and collected her daughter.

"Yep," the brunette returned her gaze to her granddaughter and smiled. "She's beautiful in that uniform. Isn't that right? Aren't you a beautiful little sheep?" She played with her granddaughter's cheeks.

"Hello mommy," Jules wanted her mother's attention, immediately grabbing on to one of her hands.

"Wow!" Juliana gave a whistle. "Little wolf, you look spectacular," she said giving her a little spin.

"Anne says the coach has saved me a position on the team," she said proudly.

"YES, but by the time you arrive, the captain will be Macarena, so good luck with that!" Anne appeared. "Hello mom, how was your trip?" she greeted.

Juliana was focused on Tomy, Lauren and Camilla's son. The child was gawking at Jules as she turned in circles, her skirt rising with the movement. She took a deep breath before turning to her daughter. "Luckily, it was short. I couldn't wait to see you all," she said, caressing the sloth's face. "Oh, I got the book you wanted."

Anne's face lit up. "Seri...?" Bella approached to greet the brunette, intimidating the sloth into silence.

"Hey Juliana, how are you?" she asked.

"Fine Bella, and you?" she replied, noticing her daughter's face had turned a tomatoey red before she silently moved away.

After chatting with the group for a while, the brunette's attention was drawn to the other end of the garden, were her wife and Scarlet sat. "Scarlet? Valentina? Is everything okay? I didn't realise you knew all the choreography to your sisters' dances," she added looking at her daughter.

"Juls..." Valentina tried to intervene.

"One second," the athlete stopped her. "Most important things first," she grabbed her wife and pulled her into a kiss. "Hello," she greeted.

A huge smile appeared on the blonde face while Scarlet rolled her eyes. "Hello," she answered.

"Now, what's going on?" she asked. "It's not like I mind seeing my garden full of cheerleaders, but what's all this about?" she asked. Everyone was waiting for the brunette's reaction.

Scarlet looked to her mother for help. "Scar is going to try out for the cheerleading team," she clarified while staring at her wife. "And we're helping her prepare."

Juliana smiled and looked at her daughter. "Really Scar? That's excellent!" The eyes around them opened wide, everyone waiting nervously. "Basketball player and cheerleader! Wow!" This was the issue they were trying to avoid.

"Eeee... actually..." Scarlet clung to the blonde and lowered her head.

Valentina continued for her. "She's going to leave the basketball team. The coach doesn't allow them to be on more than one team," she clarified.

Juliana looked at her daughter but the young woman kept her head down and was almost hiding behind the blonde. "Well... at least now we can see you all perform together, right?" she asked, surprising the others. "Do you need to practice more?" she asked.

"No. We were just finishing up," Valentina tried to see beyond her wife's reaction.

"Perfect! I have an idea," she said. "Since everyone is already here, why don't we have a barbecue? I'll take care of it," she offered. "Scar, you can invite Pete if you want," she said.

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