Chapter 87. The bubble of love

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 Valdés Carvajal Family

Juliana and Valentina: 45 years

Kara and Bella: 30

Anne and Scarlet: 20

Macarena: 18

Jules: 14

Elena: 4 years and 9 months

Jauregui Cabello Family

Lauren and Camila: 45

Gaby: 21

Andrea: 18

Tomy: 12

Four years  later -  Casa Valdés Carvajal

"Do you think you bought enough alcohol, Lauren?" Valentina asked as she removed a box from Lauren's car, one of the six boxes filled with Tequila, vodka, Rum, etc. Lauren hadn't skimped on variety.

"My God, Lolo!" Camila gasped. "Can you not restrain yourself?" she exclaimed, watching as her wife produced several bags of groceries from the car.

"First," Lauren looked at Camila, "you've never complained about my restraints," she winked as Valentina and Camilla both rolled their eyes. "And second... Have you seen how much those vultures we call daughters can drink?" she asked. "BY GOD! On our last vacation, I swear they absorbed the damn drink with their eyes. And don't get me started on their gluttonous partners. This year, I'm prepared! I'll leave a box for them to entertain themselves, and the rest will be locked away in the cellar of the country house," she explained, carrying the groceries to the steps.

"You know..." she continued, stopping on the threshold of the house while the other women continued unloading. "You think that when your children grow up, they'll go off to college, find a partner, and bam, you never see them again... but let me tell you something. They come back! ALWAYS!! And they don't come back alone... they bring more and more people who drink my alcohol. When will the day come that the four of us can go to the country house alone and enjoy wild sex without having to hide?" She spoke more to herself than to the other two.

"Technically, Valen and Juls don't bother to hide much," said the dancer.

Far from being offended, Valentina grinned mischievously.

"Hey smiley..." Lauren called her. "Where's the sweetie? I thought she said she wanted to go shopping with us for the holidays?"

She was right, of course; Juliana had said exactly that.

"Leni and Angie have been sleeping with us for the last four nights," Angie was Kara and her wife Lena's two-year-old daughter. "With the little sheep, it's easy because she sleeps like a rock! When we sneak out of bed, she doesn't notice, but Angie?" Valentina shook her head. "She sleeps clutching on to me or Juls. She clings as if her life depends on it," a fond smile appeared on the blonde's face. "Sometimes at night, I hear Juls gasping when the little tick embeds her nails. Do you think she moves her?" Both friends denied. "Of course not... the masochist enjoys it!"

"Let me guess," Lauren interrupted, "due to the abstinence, she's been in the gym for hours?"

Valentina grinned as she nodded. "And every time she sees me, she throws herself to the floor to do sit-ups!" The three women laughed as the photographer opened the door to her house.

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