Chapter 8: How to Make Friends in Three Easy Steps

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Outside Kara's School

"Juliana! Juliana!" Kara ran towards the brunette and took a huge jump to be able to climb on her.

"Whoa! What a jump you made kangaroo!" Juliana caught the girl mid jump and spun her around. "How light you are. It seems like you're made of feathers!" Juliana threw Kara into the air. She loved making her laugh.

"Okay, okay, okay!" Kara said laughing loudly as she was getting a little dizzy.

"Okay good, are we ready to go?" Juliana said as she put the girl down. "There might be a gift for you in my car."

"A gift?" Kara opened her eyes wide. "What are we waiting for then? Come on, come on!" She grabbed the brunette's hand and tried to move her but with little success, until Juliana let her pull her away.

When she was sure Kara was properly positioned and buckled in. She lifted the package from behind the seat and gave it to the little girl.

"Here you go kid."

Juliana didn't know how, but in the blink of an eye, Kara was holding a new purple hippo, a little bigger than Hippo.

"Wow!" The girl was already hugging her new toy. "Now Hippo has a new friend!"

"I know. I thought it wasn't fair for us to have fun while Hippo is alone all afternoon. Hey, you have to name it." Juliana couldn't hide her smile when she looked at the girl.

"TWO!" Announced Kara excitedly.

"Two what? No, no, it's just one gift for now. If your mother finds out that on the first day, I gave you presents, she's going to give me the death stare and BOOM! The end of the world!" Juliana got nervous just thinking about that look.

"Two is his name, I want to call him Two! The other is Hippo is called One, and this is Two!" Kara explained logically.

"Two? I think we have to start working on your imagination! But Two is perfect, beautiful little blonde." Juliana was tickling her. "Hold on tight to Two, we are going to have fun today." Juliana said, starting the Jeep.

Juliana's favourite bar

Juliana took Kara by the hand to cross the street and enter the bar. It was hilarious to see Kara holding a stuffed animal almost half her size. As they got to the bar, another woman approached, and Juliana opened the door. "After you ladies." Juliana said, letting the other woman and Kara pass first. Kara looked at her and Juliana leaned down and said with a wink, "You always have to help damsels in distress."

They sat at a table and a waitress approached them to serve them.

"Hello Juli. Oh, I see that today you have some very beautiful company," said the waitress while she shook hands with the little girl.

"Hi Jess, how are you?" Juliana greeted. "Jess, this little princess you see here is Kara. Kara, this is Jess, my friend from the bar."

"Hello," the girl replied shyly.

"Well, finally you bring someone worthy of your company!" Joked the waitress who had tired of seeing Juliana frequent bar with lots of different women.

"Well... bring us two chocolate milks and many, many cookies for the little lady and I to share, please." Juliana asked quickly to avoid more comments from the waitress.

"Chocolate milk?" Asked Kara enthusiastically. "Mum says that chocolate milk is only for weekends."

"Well, from now on and just between us, there is a new rule... all stupid rules are forbidden!" Juliana decreed by hitting her fist on the table.

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