Chapter 24: Prisoners

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NY Liberty Training - Friday Night

"EVERYONE TO THE CENTER OF THE COURT!" Arizona called her team. "Good, now, due to our excellent results..." the girls had won all their games so far, "and the fact that we are the league leaders in points and assists..." she indicated to Juliana to the annoyance of some of her teammates, "you all have the weekend off." She announced. "BUT..." she silenced the general murmur that had formed, "I DON'T WANT ANY SCANDAL AND ON MONDAY MORNING I WANT EVERYONE HERE BRIGHT AND EARLY... NO EXCEPTIONS!" The players all agreed, "OKAY, EVERYONE TO THE SHOWERS!" The coach dismissed them, "VALDÉS, what are you doing?" Arizona stopped Juliana who was about to continue practicing her shots.

"Erm... I was going to keep shooting at the hoop..." the star player justified herself.

"Juliana, I need you to rest... you run every day, you go to the gym and you train. Gimme that!" Arizona took the ball from her. "Go and have some fun!"

"Just five more minutes?" The brunette didn't like having the ball taken from her, she had to activate her pouts.

"GOD VALDES! YOU AND YOUR SAD FACES. Ok, just five more minutes and I'll be counting them from... NOW!" The coach could not hide the fondness she had for her.

After failing to convince Arizona to give her an additional five minutes, Juliana went to the locker room with the rest of the team.

"Juli!" Nikki called her, "We are going out tonight to celebrate our victories and you have to come with us!" Her partner said without leaving room for refusal.

"I don't know Nik..." Juliana wanted to spend time with her Carvajal ladies.

"Oh, come on Juli, it's because of you that we won those games, we have to celebrate together as a team. Just tonight just please! You more than anyone know how important these outings are for the success of a team!" Highlighted the team's substitute.

"Awh, it looks like Valdés doesn't have permission to go out tonight. What's up brunette, did she find out about your life as a womaniser and now your mistress won't let off your leash?" The captain entered the conversation. When Juliana began to dominate the front-page news, a jealous Torres started to torment her. The brunette was running out of patience.

"Okay, let me know when and where," she accepted the proposal without paying any attention to the captain's provocations. The athlete knew that to keep the team together they had to create good relationships on and off the court, an outing wouldn't hurt her, right?

Valentina's Apartment - One hour later

"No Lauren, I don't want to take care of your damn cat!" The Latina had been trying for a long time to get her friend to agree to take care of Tlacoyo for a week. "Plus, Camila will not want to be without him for so long!"

"Please V!" Begged Lauren, "I need to show Camz that life is much more beautiful without the mini cow that rips our clothes and makes our bed hairy! Think about it please, or I will have to make it disappear by other means, do you want to be an accessory to murder? Do you want that?"

"Who is going to disappear?" The dancer joined them.

"Eehhh..." Lauren didn't know how the hell to get out of the situation.

"The magazines that Juliana left in my room yesterday," she was saved by Valentina. "Lolo doesn't want them, so we are looking for a way to make them disappear!" Which was not a lie.

"I do want them! But Camz won't let me have them!" The Latina corrected with a scowl. "Someday karma will let you experience all the suffering you are inflicting on the sweetie and me! WE'LL GET REVENGE!" The lawyer claimed, clenching her fists.

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