Chapter 26: Tonight, is the night!

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Bowling - Saturday afternoon

They were on the fifth shot already and Lauren was practically sweeping the floor with each of them. And there were a number reasons for this...

First: Camila, every time she went to bowl, she performed a different dance step before releasing the ball, it goes without saying that none of her shots hit the desired destination.

Second: Kara, the little girl did not have much strength or skill, she rolled the ball with two hands and almost always threw it straight in to the gutter.

And third: Juliana and Valentina, they were an entirely different kind of problem. Since they had arrived at the bowling alley, they had been unable to keep their hands off each other. If Juliana sat down, she pulled Valentina to sit on top of her, she did not want space between them. Juliana needed to be close to her girlfriend at all times. They took their turns by standing up, throwing the ball as fast as possible and returning to their place, one on top of the other. Neither really cared where their ball ended up. That was one of the main reasons Lauren was winning.

"Mommy I'm thirsty," the smallest of the group announced.

Valentina tore herself away from her comfortable spot, seemingly Juliana in another life was a piece of furniture, but her girlfriend stopped her. "It's okay beautiful, I'll go," she left a short kiss on her girlfriend's lips. "Come on, kangaroo," she took her little girl's hand and they both headed to the canteen.

"I'm going with you," Camila followed them.

Lauren walked back from taking her shot, after another strike. "Sometimes I get tired of being so fucking good at this game!" She followed her friend's gaze and found exactly what she expected, Juliana Valdés. "V... V... VALENTINA!" She struggled to get the photographer's attention. "Seriously V, what the hell are you waiting for to bed the sweetie? I swear that every time you two touch, there's a shock wave so strong it would decimate a forest!"

"I don't know what's wrong with me Lern..." she needed to talk to someone. "I can't stop looking at her, touching her, kissing her... Nothing like this has ever happened to me... I need... I need to..." suddenly she looked at Kara and then her friend.

"What? Don't look at me like that V... NO, NO and NO!" Lauren had guessed Valentina's intentions.

"Please Lauren. Just for tonight. Please!" Begged Valentina.

"Valentina, do you know how long it's been since I touched my future wife?... DAYS... do you hear me?... I have been DAYS without her! If Kara stays with us tonight, she and Camila will make me watch the stupid movie about the fish... Mencho and..."

"Nemo," the blonde corrected her.

"Yeah, that one!" She accepted the correction, rolling her eyes. "They will want to make popcorn and snuggle on the sofa until they fall asleep. Which leaves me alone in my bed trying to sleep without having had my favourite night-time exercise." Lauren explained slowly so that her friend understood her need.

"I'll take care of Tlacoyo for a week!" The photographer offered as an incentive. The former cheerleader was her only option since the rest of her friends lived in Miami.

"Nope!" The Latina refused.

"For two weeks... and during your honeymoon!" The blonde raised the offer. "Please Lern, I need this night alone with Juliana, I still have to tell her about last night... I am going to have to undress, do you understand? Do you really want your niece to see her mother naked begging her other mother not to leave her? Is that what you want Lauren?" Valentina pleaded with her best friend.

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