Chapter 36: My parents' little house

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"Are you sure it's here V?" Lauren only saw a long wall of tall bushes that was separated by a gigantic black gate.

"I'm trying to communicate with the number Juliana gave me," the blonde answered from her seat.

Since Juliana offered the Latina her parents' 'little country house' to organise her party, a week had passed, a week in which Valentina had thought many times about looking for new friends.

Why? You might ask... Well, as soon as Lauren started spreading the news to her friends, Camila decided it would be a good idea to extend their out of town stay for a few more days, to which her fiancée agreed, claiming it would be good for them to take time away from the hustle and bustle of the wedding preparations and even more importantly, away from their respective parents who were driving them crazy.

And as if this were not enough, without Valentina being able to do stop it, the other two couples had already joined the excitement of the mini-vacation and both the future wives and Mariana and Shane had already planned a whole travel itinerary.

By the time Valentina was able to stop her friends and look to her girlfriend for some kind of authorisation, all the brunette could say was "I'm going out on the motorcycle for a while." Which left everyone quiet because everyone in the group knew what that actually meant, 'I'm going out on the motorcycle for a while', was the equivalent of 'This is too much for me, I need to be alone.'

To continue adding reasons in favour of the change of friends, before Juliana returned, Derek mentioned the trip in front of Kara! Now there were not just six excited adults, but also a girl who spent an hour or more on her knees begging her mother Valentina to call her father and delay her trip to Los Angeles until they returned from their four-day vacation in what the girl was now calling 'her grandparents' house'.

And the icing on the cake... just as Lauren and Sam were taking out Valentina's suitcases and starting to argue about who would get the bigger one was the moment the athlete entered the room. Yes, Valentina definitely had to find new friends. They did not have to be wealthy, or funny, or cute, or anything in particular, they just had to know how to close their mouths, that was all the photographer asked.

And so here they were, split between two cars traveling to the outskirts of New York. In the first car Valentina travelled with the future brides, her sleeping daughter and a very, very restless dog. The blonde was worried because her girlfriend's flight from Minnesota had been delayed and the brunette decided that the best thing would be for them to meet at the country house and right now, they were in front of a large and luxurious gate wondering where the hell they were after following the thousands of directions Juliana had given them.

"Mrs. Wilson?" Valentina heard the voice of a woman on the other side of the call and assumed she was the lady her girlfriend had mentioned. "This is Valentina Carvajal... yes, Juliana's girlfriend... Eh... I think we might be lost because... What? You can see us through the camera?" The blonde began to inspect the gate until she found the device that she assumed must be the camera because it had a red flashing light. "Well, we hope so," she looked at her friends. "They had already seen us through the camera, her husband is coming to meet us," she informed them.

"Do you think we can see the lake from the house?" Asked Shane who had already spotted the lake in the distance.

"My only hope is that we don't have to share rooms! I need to take advantage of our last days of sex before my parents and in-laws invade my house!" There was only two weeks left until their wedding and Lauren knew that a crucial test was imminent. If putting up with her own parents was already an ordeal, so putting up with her parents AND her future in-laws would be an almost impossible mission.

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