Chapter 88. In another life

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Valdés Carvajal Family

Juliana and Valentina: 55 years

Kara and Bella: 40

Anne and Scarlet: 30

Macarena: 28

Jules: 24

Elena: 14

Angie: 12

Jauregui Cabello Family

Lauren and Camila: 55

Gaby: 31

Andrea: 28

Tomy: 22

Lili: 13

Ten years later, Valdés Carvajal house - Valentina and Juliana's wedding anniversary


Kara stormed into her mothers' house, slamming the door behind her. Once in the living room, she dropped onto the sofa and crossed her arms. Eyes red and swollen from crying, she frowned at the blank TV. Sighing heavily, she waited for one of her mothers to magically appear, but the house was quiet.


The slam of the front door reverberated in the silent house, and Kara waited to see who had caused it. Seconds later, Maca angrily stomped into the living room before adopting a similar position on the sofa. Her arms crossed; the owl stared at the blank television as well.

"Where are they?" She asked into the void.

"I don't know," replied the kangaroo.


Another slam of the door, and another blonde entered the room in the same manner. Anne sat next to Maca, crossed her arms, and stared ahead. Like Kara, she arrived with a frown and red eyes.

"Where are they?" she asked.

"We don't know," the other two replied as a duo.


The door slammed for the fourth time, and the fourth (not so mini) Valentina arrived, repeating the same process her sisters had.

"Where are they?" Scarlet asked.

"We don't know!" the other three repeated.

Now, there were four sisters staring at a fixed point in the room, each one seemingly upset or angry about something.


As expected, the last Valdés-Carvajal had arrived, Jules walked into the living room and squeezed her butt onto the sofa, forcing her sisters to shuffle left and right to make room. The youngest member crossed her arms, muttered something under her breath, and stared at the same fixed point as her sisters.


"WE DON'T KNOW!!" They all answered in irritation.

Silence descended. Each woman stewing in her own thoughts until Maca began to speak.

"I hate my wife!" she blurted. "She thinks she has the right to scold me for spending too much money on clothes... Do you know what she told me?" Her sisters listened to her, but no one moved. "She told me to wear the green dress with the black boots, because they looked good... BLACK BOOTS!!! Can you imagine what the press would say if they saw the winner of two Tony Awards in a green dress and black boots... CAN YOU IMAGINE? Mommy told me not to marry someone named Barbara, but what did I do? I had to go and do it anyway! I AM SO STUPID!"

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 14 ⏰

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