Chapter 82. Right Andy?

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"Tell me I am the only one!" Juliana demanded from her youngest daughter, who was sitting in her lap staring at her. "Tell me there is no other love in your life!"

Valentina rolled her eyes at her wife's exaggeration; she had been trying to detach mother and daughter for an hour. They needed to go to Maca's class.

"You are the only mommy," Jules grabbed her by her ears. "And I will never, ever change you for anyone," the girl promised.

"Not even for those boys who asked you to marry them?" asked the brunette.

"Even if I marry some of them," note that the girl was astute enough to realise that one would not be enough for her, "you will always be my first love," the little girl said sweetly, making her mothers' melt.

"Juliana... honey... we have to go to Maca's class." Valentina took her wife's hand trying to pull her attention away from their daughter. "Julie... can you help me please?" The older blonde asked the youngest.

The girl climbed off her mother legs and with a dramatic sigh said, "Goodbye mommy... go see your other daughters who must be waiting for you... I'll stay here... alone... missing you a lot, a lot!" The girl even managed to fake a couple of tears. Valentina thought it was an Oscar-worthy performance. Jules walked away from her mothers to join her friends, several of whom were waiting for her, while Valentina dragged Juliana towards the door.

"MOM! MOMMY!" The wolf called, making both women turn to look at her.

"MWAH!" She blew them both kisses with her hands and murmured a soft, "I love you."

The photographer had to hold her wife tighter, to prevent her from running back to hug her daughter. She had to squeeze even harder when Juliana spotted the wolf being surrounded by her would be suiters.

* * *

"And where are my mothers?" Scarlet asked her aunts.

Lauren and Camila had arrived promptly at the high school to see their daughters after the embarrassing plasticine incident.

Lauren rolled her eyes.

"Let me guess," Anne sighed. "Mom can't get Mommy Juls away from Julie?"

"You should have seen the face of the sweetie when the sixth child appeared to ask for Jules' hand," the Latina laughed. "She almost made him swallow the plasticine ring he made for her!" The boy had gotten on to his knees and everything.

"Luckily, Valen was there to calm her," Camila had also witnessed the athlete's temper.

"The one who won't be happy is Tomy," Gaby supplied. "He is crazy about the wolf," she added while her sister Andy nodded along beside her.

"Where's Maca?" Camila asked, it was rare to see Andy without Maca by her side.

"She knows the sweetie is coming, right?" Lauren looked around for the girl. "I hope her mother doesn't find her in some corner eating Barbara's mouth."

The girls shook their heads negatively.

"Believe me, we know," Scarlet assured. "Besides, we haven't seen either Barbie or Pete, since they found out Mommy was coming to Parents Day," said the little fish.

"So where is the earthquake?" Lauren was referring to Macarena, obviously.

"I CONVINCED HER!" As if invoked from thin air, Maca appeared behind the group.

"Really?" All the girls asked surprised.

Lauren and Camila looked at each other, intrigued by the conversation.

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