Chapter 67. It's your turn

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Two years later - Casa Valdés Carvajal
Saturday morning

"Jules... Jules..." Valentina had been trying to wake up her youngest daughter, who was occupying the other side of her bed, for more than fifteen minutes. "Julie... honey... it's time to wake up." The little girl, who was now two and a half years old, had her head on her mother's stomach while she hugged Uno with her right arm, Valentina didn't really know which hippopotamus it was, but it was one of Kara's stuffed animals that had passed through the hands of all her little sisters. "Come on little one, wake up for mom," she asked.

"No..." the little girl turned in bed, refusing to obey her mother's wishes.

"Come on darling," the photographer gently stroked her back. Years of waking up to her wife's kisses and caresses had shown her there was no better way to deal with an 'early riser' than to do it with affection.

Which was why she generally had to start waking her daughters half an hour earlier than needed. It was not an assigned task to either mother, it depended on who was available, and this morning Juliana was at her last training session before summer break, so it was left to the blonde to wake their daughters.

Years ago, Valentina would have started with Kara, her eldest daughter was the worst to get up. Throughout her first year of college, the kangaroo made Juliana, the only one who got up early, call her before she went for a run so she wouldn't be late for her classes.

Then the twins arrived, Scarlet was the easiest of all, a kiss on her forehead and the little girl was ready to start her day. The big problem was Anne. Anne did not wake up, she had to be changed in her sleep, brought down to breakfast asleep and even travelled to school half asleep, to this day neither the brunette nor the blonde could understand how the girl was one of the smartest in her class.

Next on the list to wake up was Maca, the owl wasn't hard to wake, but she was rather scary in the mornings. Every time one of her mother's entered the room to do so, they found their daughter in different positions, with her legs hanging off the bed, with her bum in the air, sleeping horizontally across the bed or upside down, and sometimes she wasn't even in the bed. They sometimes found her asleep on the floor clinging to her two pillows. Once the initial shock of finding her sleeping in some bizarre way passed, it was time to face the little girl's anger. God help the person who had the audacity to interrupt whatever dream she was enjoying. A Macarena tantrum at that time in the morning was not something anyone wanted to experience.

They assumed waking up their youngest daughter couldn't be more difficult or different than her older sisters, but Jules came along with her own way of doing things. When Juliana gets up every morning, she peeks into her daughters' rooms, Jules is always awake, waiting for her with open arms, the brunette carries her to Valentina and they go back to sleep while Juliana goes for her run. Later, they have to wake her up with the same routine as her sisters. But after she wakes up, the wolf's morning ritual becomes complicated. Jules needs to spend time being cuddled in Valentina arms before having breakfast on Juliana's lap.

"Julie... wake up... let's have breakfast with your sisters," Valentina stroked her head and kissed her cheek several times. "Come on, let's go," she insisted. The little blonde rolled on to her back and stretched out her arms for her mother to lift her, the little blonde's eyes were not opening for anything in the world. Valentina smiled and picked up her baby girl and the two went in search of the other 'early risers'.

"Good morning!" The photographer entered the kitchen with Jules in her arms and greeted her other three daughters.

"Good morning!" Scarlet greeted while eating her cereal.

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