Chapter 40: The legend of the enchanted lake

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"It is not me you have to apologise to," Juliana reached the end of the pier where Valentina was waiting for her facing the lake.

"Sorry?" Valentina turned immediately. Apparently the blonde still had her bitch face on. "I don't think I have to apologise to anyone!" The Carvajal pride march began.

Juliana looked at her girlfriend as if she were doing an X-ray, she knew she was proud, it was one of the things she loved the most about her, her ability to defend her point until the last moment. The brunette sighed, she was finally able to put into practice one of her father's many pieces of advice... 'Juliana it is one thing to deal with an angry woman, but quite another to deal with an angry and proud woman. Study her movements, look at her with care and when the time is right, when you see fit... run daughter... run for your life!' Impossible to forget her father running along the same dock where they were standing at this moment after he himself had proved with conclusive evidence that her mother had been wrong.

But this time the brunette was not going to be the one to bend her arm, if the blonde wanted to arm wrestle, Juliana was going to put up resistance. Hands on the table 'DING, DING' let's start this match once and for all.

"What did you want to talk about then?" She tried to use the most serious tone she could but Valentina had no idea how Juliana would get when she was angry. With a glance from the blonde the basketball player was no longer in her right mind, but when the blonde raised her eyebrow... If it were up to the athlete, they would be in the lake having reconciliation sex right now.

"Lauren and I have decided to organise the party ourselves so we don't need any mediocre party planner!" Said the photographer. It was clear that the athlete's proof of fidelity had little impact on the photographer.

"No. I'm sorry, but the decision has been made. Florence is the party planner, end of story," the arms were still in the middle.

"According to whom?" Valentina was not going to loosen.

"According to me." Juliana either.

"And since you are the owner of the house, everything has to be done as you say, right?" The provocative smile she received from Juliana was like a red rag to a bull. "Well, I'm going to tell you something... If that woman comes back into this house, there will be no party!" The athlete's wrist does not falter for a second.

"First, this house is both yours and Kara's as well as mine," the blonde's arm loosened and the basketball player took the opportunity to gain ground, "and secondly... and pay close attention to what I'm going to say... the party will be organised by Florence, whether you are there or not. Do you need me to repeat it Carvajal?" Juliana run! 'Run' was the only thing that sounded in the brunette's head when she saw the fury come out of her girlfriend's eyes. "And one more thing," More? Juliana was pushing her luck, "tomorrow, when Miss. Anderson arrives, you and Lauren will have an apology ready." The blonde's hand was brushing the table.

"And you are going to force me?" Valentina was reluctant to lose.

"If you want to put it like that. Yes." Uff the brunette was annihilating her. "Was there something else?" Almost.

Valentina closed the distance between them. "Don't even think that this discussion is over!" She whispered in her ear and then continued walking towards the house.

"I would be very disappointed in you if you let it go!" Yelled the athlete in the direction of the lake. The truth is, she never should have turned her back on her girlfriend.


To the water like a duck as Camila would say. A push from Valentina and Juliana was in the lake. "I don't like you!" The blonde said before leaving again.

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