Chapter 63. A wolf in the closet

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Family tree
(For anyone needing a recap)

Juliana and Valentina have:
Kara - Kangaroo (for her ability to jump)
Scarlet - Fish (For her constant movement in Valentina's belly)
Anne - Sloth (Due to her lack of movement in Valentina's belly)
Macarena - Owl (For moving only at night)

Lauren and Camila have:
Gabriela - Lion (for the kicks when Juliana was around)
Andrea - Duckling (Camila chose it)


Two years later

The new Valdés Carvajal house

"By God, open the damn door!" Lauren entered the house giving off. "I've been ringing the bloody doorbell for hours!" The Latina's hands were full of grocery bags. Lauren had helped Valentina organize a little barbecue with all their friends to christen her new house.

"Sorry Lolo, without Juliana here, it's chaos," the brunette had game the night before in Indianapolis and Valentina was waiting for her to arrive in time for lunch. The team had been touring the west for four days. "Let me help you," she tried to grab one of the bags but Lauren stopped her.

"Don't even think about Carvagay, if the sweetie finds out I let you carry bags, she'll kill me," she said arriving in the kitchen.

"I'm pregnant Lolo, I can carry a bag of food," she clarified. "Juliana needs to learn that this is my fourth pregnancy, I am not made of glass!" The absence of her wife during the preparations for the celebration had been difficult.

"Done, see?" Lauren announced putting the bags on the counter, proving she didn't need any help. "Has anyone arrived yet?" She asked.

"Blaine and Kurt are on the patio." The men were visiting the city and had arrived very early with their daughter. "Lucho is waiting for things to start the barbecue and his 'lovely' husband is lying in the pool doing nothing like always!" She reported on what was happening in her new yard.

"Did you tell the sweetie the bitch was coming?" Asked the lawyer as she took the items out of the bags.

"Before or after the phone sex?" This was a real question.

Lauren frowned at her. "Really Valentina?" Really?"

"I don't know what's wrong with this pregnancy Lolo, I need Juliana to be on top of me all the time, touching me, kissing me, making love to me... I even want her to say nice things to me all the time!" She explained.

"I wish that had happened to Camz with Andy!" The dancer had a totally sex-free pregnancy.

"Where is Camz?" She asked suddenly. "I thought she was coming with you?" Lauren's face did not go unnoticed by the blonde, something bad was happening. "Is something wrong Lolo?" She inquired.

"Nothing V, nothing," she dodged the question. "Did you tell the sweetie about Sergio or not?" She asked again, trying to get the photographer to change the subject.

Valentina let her friend's elusiveness pass for the moment. "Are you crazy, drunk or what?" There was a hidden no in that answer. "If I told her Sergio was here she would stay away another night... and believe me, I CANNOT take another night!" She highlighted.

"God! No wonder the nickname of this baby is wolf!" Valentina laughed; Lauren had guessed the explanation of the nickname. "On Monday you'll find out if it is a girl or a boy, right?" She asked.

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