Chapter 29: Someone stop her!

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Valentina's Apartment - Friday evening

Valentina and Kara had finally arrived at the door of their apartment after a very long day. Little Kara had endured the harassment of her friends all morning and try as she might... she couldn't keep everyone happy. When she sat with Luke, or talked with Mara, or if she gave Bella a chocolate someone would be upset. The truth is that after putting Juliana lessons into practice, the girl had been inundated with jealous girlfriends and boyfriends. Added to this was teacher Kim's excessive interest in her mother, who more than once insisted the girl invite her mother to teach another class.

Valentina on the other hand, not only had to make sure that everything was perfect for the next day's photo session, but she had to dodge the hundreds of journalists camping out at the door of her studio. There was also the fact that both Lauren and Inés had spent the whole day answering and diverting calls from people interested in interviewing the new celebrity couple.

Needless to say, both Carvajal's suffered from acute Julianitis. After the problems with the phone line, they were unable to talk to the brunette after the game, and then Valentina had to sit her daughter down and scold her for playing with Juliana's feelings. She had to make it very clear to Kara that she could not accept her as a mother one day and reject her the next, which made the little girl feel even worse. After all this, it could be concluded that the Carvajal's humour was at an all-time low.

"Kara, go to your room and change, I'll prepare your dinner." Valentina instructed her daughter with a soft and tired voice as she opened the door of the apartment and ushered the little girl in first.

"Mommy..." Kara had stopped. She was barely two steps into the living room when she saw two huge boxes, one next to the other, each wrapped in gift paper with giant bows. One of the boxes said 'Kangaroo' and had several little holes in the lid. And on the other, there was a small tag with 'Queen' written on it.

Mother and daughter looked at each other. From the names written on the gifts, they could only be from one person. Suddenly Kara's gift moved and a faint bark could be heard. Valentina couldn't help but smile when her daughter grabbed her hand fearfully. "Honey, why don't you open it and see what it is?" - the blonde had already guessed.

"Can I?" Kara was still unsure about the situation with her mother.

"Of course. Come on... open it," her mother encouraged her. Honestly Valentina was afraid the dog would suffocate in the box if it was left much longer.

The little girl wasted no more time. She pounced on the package. She pulled the lid off and within seconds she had a Beagle puppy in her hands. "A PUPPY!" The puppy with white legs, black back, and the rest brown, looked at its new owners expectantly.

"She has a note on her collar," said the blonde who at this moment hadn't decided if she was going to kill Juliana for this or love her even more.

"Let's see..." the girl grabbed the paper laughing because the puppy took the opportunity to lick her hand. "A brunette told me that I can stay with you, is it true? P.S. as long as your mother accepts." Kara immediately looked at her mother putting on a face very similar to the puppy.

The truth is that the older blonde had never even thought of saying no, "Of course she can darling!"

"GOOD!" The mini blonde celebrated by jumping around while the animal barked. "Now it's your turn," she told her mother, pointing to the other gift while trying to avoid the licks the puppy was trying to give her.

Valentina inspected the package; she was afraid the gift might not be suitable for all audiences. She tried to wait until her daughter entertained herself with the animal but instead both the girl and the dog looked at her curiously.

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