Chapter 20: Does anyone want to ask something?

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Valentina's Photography Studio - Wednesday afternoon

"LAUREN CAN YOU STOP HARASSING THE MODELS?" Valentina was tired of watching Lauren drool, she grabbed her arm and separated her from the girl she was talking to. "I swear you won't be my lawyer much longer if you continue to embarrass me!" Valentina threatened.

"Stop throwing tantrums, dumb blonde, cool your ass, will you? I know that photographing these models raises your temperature... especially when you don't have the sweetie to rub you against the door! So calm down, the main dish still hasn't arrived, and speaking of... what time do you think the lady will arrive? She will not escape me this time. She will sign my chest today!" The lawyer was determined that Irina Shayk would fulfil the promise she had made to her fiancée.

"Lauren that woman is a headache, she is a complete Diva. She'll arrive when she feels like it, and we have to work around her! She is the worst model I have ever had to work with. Wait until she finds out that her wardrobe has been changed!" Valentina sighed, "Anyway, I don't know why you torture yourself with these things..." a model in a black bikini passed in front of them and they both admired the view, "you can't do anything, at least I'm single!" Another woman in an animal print bikini walked by and the heads of the two friends turned again.

"Hahaha, single?" Laughed the Latina. "You don't even believe that, Valen. You may not have the title yet, but the hottie is what you want!" Affirmed the green-eyed woman as their heads turned again to follow another statuesque model.

"Valentina?" Her secretary called, "Irina Shayk is on her way up," she informed her.

"Good, we can finally end this session. I'm exhausted!" Valentina hadn't had a good night. She couldn't stop thinking about Juliana, and it was getting her nowhere, like a hamster on a wheel. To make matters worse she hadn't answered any of Juliana's calls.

She looked at Lauren. "Hey, you need to behave, okay? I do not want any problems with this woman!" She warned her friend. One thing she had learned from dating Sara, was that models could be very unpredictable and volatile.

"Calm Valentina, think of me as your second pair of eyes or willing consultant." She tried to sound as innocent as possible.

"LISTEN EVERYONE!" The photographer addressed her team, "LET'S START WITH THE LAST PART OF THE SESSION. I WANT EVERYTHING TO BE PERFECT!" Just then, the professional model came into the office followed by her entourage, including her stylist, makeup artist, agent and two other people that Valentina didn't recognise. "Irina, how are you? Your dressing room is ready, and when you are dressed, we can start." She pointed to the corridor that led to the dressing room.

The model took off her sunglasses and looked at the photographer. "I hope the photographs are of better quality this time. The last photos were not as flattering!" Irina was off to a good start, she was already getting into dangerous territory with the photographer.

"If you had followed my instructions, we would have avoided certain imperfections, but you chose to do things your way..." every time Valentina remembered that day the headaches returned, "maybe this time, you will pay attention to the photographer!" The blonde finished by pointing in the direction of the dressing room.

"OKAY, EVERYONE TO YOUR PLACES, WE ARE GOING TO DO SOME LIGHT TESTS," she indicated to the staff. Valentina got behind the camera and was about to give the first click when she heard her daughter's voice.

"MAMI, MAMI... SURPRISE!" The girl jumped on her mother who in turn almost lost her balance, Valentina was going to have to explain to her daughter that they did not all have the same strength as Juliana.

"Hello darling! What are you doing here? I thought Aunt Camz was going to take you to her dance classes?" She added, since it was the dancer's turn to collect her little girl.

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