Chapter 22: The Farewell

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"Okay, you're ready!" Valentina announced when she finished dressing Juliana. "Not that I'm complaining, but if you are going to end all our discussions in your underwear, I have a feeling I'll never win!" Said the blonde putting her arms around the neck of the brunette .

"Ideally, you would not have very many clothes on either!" Juliana said with a provocative smile, as she wrapped her arms around the blonde's waist. "Shall we go? Although I am enjoying having my girlfriend here in my arms, I really need to change out of my gear." She said caressing Valentina's face.

"Did I just get you back, and now I have to let you go?" Asked the photographer pouting.

"First..." Juliana gave her a short kiss on the lips, "you never lost me, but the thing is, you don't trust me... yet." The blonde was going to protest but the athlete anticipated it. "Don't say anything..." she put a finger on her lips, "I'll be very interested to see how you compensate me, once I prove to you that you are the only one I want," she left another short kiss. "And second, can I propose something?" She asked sweetly.

"Hey, I know athletes move fast, but we've only been girlfriends for a few minutes, and you already want to propose to me?!" Valentina joked. "Don't you think that's a bit fast? You are suffocating me!!" The blonde laughed. Juliana's face was priceless.

"Ha ha, very funny Miss Carvajal... you know what? Forget it!" Juliana pretended to be offended. "Shall we go?" She let go of her girlfriend and walked towards the exit.

"VALDÉS!" Valentina called her, Juliana turned to look at her. "Come here," she ordered, curling her finger seductively, but the brunette shook her head in denial. "Are you not going to come?" Asked the blonde. Juliana shook her head again. "ONE..." she raised one of her fingers, Juliana did not move, "TWO..." Valentina said raising her second finger, but like the previous one the brunette did not move, "AND THREE." She finished without achieving her goal.

"Now what are you gonna do? You don't scare me Carvajal!" Juliana said mockingly.

"I'm going to use the same strategy you did..." she gently lifted the hem of her shirt and began to slowly slide it up her body, "are you going to come join me?" She asked with the shirt now in her hand. Juliana did not speak, nor did she move, there was no response, she just watched. "No? Well, let's see..." she released the buttons on her jeans and slowly began to lower them while exaggerating her movements. Once she had completely removed them, she looked at the brunette who was frozen in place, like she had been struck with the 'Petrificus Totalus' spell. "I still cannot tempt you? Well..." she shrugged her shoulders. "I guess I'm doing something wrong... I should go out and ask someone if they can help me figure it out. See you later."

'Juliana, your girl crossing the court in her underwear, someone else will see her, REACT!' Juliana's thoughts snapped her out of the daze, she ran towards her girlfriend and grabbed her around the waist. "If you take one more step, you're in big trouble Carvajal!" The athlete jokingly threatened against the blonde ear.

"Are you threatening me?" Valentina's semi-naked body was glued to the brunette's chest.

"No, I'm warning you!" She turned her around to face her, "Listen carefully to what I'm going to tell you, NOBODY, absolutely no one, is going to see you like this. Only me..." the possessive brunette wasn't exactly helping Valentina to control the situation, "understood?" She asked.

Valentina shook her head from one side to the other. "No, sorry, you'll have to help me understand..." she said in her most innocent voice. And like a red flag to a bull, Juliana attacked her girlfriend's lips. She tried to pour all her feelings into the kiss, she wanted Valentina to realise that she alone had the right to see her this way.

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