Chapter 5: Supergirl to the Rescue

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New York Liberty Stadium Juliana's first training day.

"Wow, I mean, wow. This stadium is enormous." Juliana had been amazed by the magnitude of what she saw. Her eyes were not big enough to take in everything around her.

Today was her first day of training and she decided to arrive a few hours early. Not only did Juliana want to get to know the court, but she also felt the need to try and reconnect with the sport she loved so much. Basketball had always helped her to unwind, to forget her nightmares and make her feel alive again. Now with the ball under her arm, she took to the court and began to dribble the ball while jogging from one side to the other.

Juliana was unaware she had an audience. Two people were watching her from the box. "What do you think of her coach?" The team president asked Arizona.

"Hmm... she has a good throw, she moves fast, and has an impeccable technique. She has been shooting for hours and she doesn't seem tired at all. I like her."

"Do you think she can give us a championship?" The executive asked again without taking his eyes off the player.

"Harry, I bet my uterus, this season Juliana Valdés is going to give us the trophy we need. Trust me. I have an eye."

Meanwhile the other players arrived and began to inspect the brunette.

The team captain was the first to approach her.

"Valdes! I see you finally decided to leave that league of losers and come and try your luck with the best."

Juliana did not stop her practice but answered the woman while taking another shot.

"Well, according to last season, this team was definitely not the best. But don't worry, I came to fix that!" She winked and went in search of some water.

"Valdés wait!" She grabbed her by the arm, "I warn you; this is MY team, I am not going to allow you to come in here and take what's mine!"

"Calm yourself Torres, you can relax. I have only come to win trophies." Juliana stated before walking to the centre of the court to greet the coach.

"I'll be watching you very closely Valdés," the captain whispered as she passed her.

Kara's School. Home Time.

"Lauren, what are you doing here?" Valentina asked when she saw her friend standing at the school gate.

"What am I doing here? Today is Thursday, it's my turn to collect Kara."

"But you collect her on Mondays and Wednesdays, Camz on Fridays and I collect her on Tuesdays and Thursdays."

"I'm pretty sure that on the piece of paper you gave me it said that I collect her on Tuesdays and Thursdays."

"God, how stubborn you are. It's the other way around!" Argued Valentina.

"Stubborn my ass Carvagay. In any case, the idiot is you!"

"Well, it's good you're here actually, now your niece and I won't have to wait for a taxi. And I also need you to take me to the garage to pick up my car."

"Yeah, no problem! I have nothing better to do anyway. It's not like I'm a busy lawyer or anything, nor am I getting married in six months with a wedding to prepare, nor do I have a fiancée who is driving me crazy!" She huffed. "Do you know Camz has asked me to choose the colour of a fucking suit for the damn cat to wear! I swear that every time Camz and I are affectionate that cat appears with those evil eyes. He looks at me as if he wants to eat me! That animal is a demon!"

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