Chapter 34: I want everything

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Casa Carvajal - Sunday morning

The morning after Kara's epic and unforgettably sugary birthday, Valentina was standing in her bedroom doorway, breakfast tray in hand, admiring the woman in her bed.

She wanted to keep moving, she tried, but seeing her girlfriend sleeping, face down, with her naked torso hugging Valentina's pillow, it was just too much. She had to stop and look at every part of her girl to believe it was true, that her happiness had a reason for being, that her heart was beating for someone who was there, she could touch, hug and kiss at any moment.

Valentina couldn't help it; her mind had already moved to the next stage. She no longer had the doubts or insecurity that people have in their early moments of a relationship. Valentina knew that the woman in her bed, the woman she was watching at this precise moment, was the one she wanted by her side, not for a while, not for the rest of her life, but for the rest of eternity.

Valentina did not want to reincarnate in another life without knowing that the brunette was going to appear in her life in some way. If in her other life the blonde was a plant, Juliana had to be her land. If she were suddenly bitten by a spider that gave her superpowers and she discovered that she could fight crime by calling herself Spiderwoman... then the athlete had to be her Mary Jane. The thing is, she didn't care when, where or how but Juliana had to be in her life. A life without her brunette was not life.

Needless to say, if her girlfriend were to reincarnate into something, Valentina was sure it would be orgasms. People would say 'I had a Juliana' or 'You don't know the multi-Juliana she gave me!' Because her girl was fucking good in bed.

The night before Valentina had to convince her daughter that it was not time for her other mother to teach her how to ride her new motorcycle, but instead time to go to go sleep. As the photographer entered her bedroom, she did not even have time to unhook a button before 'the beast' attacked. Well, one less shirt. But this time there were no bathroom lock-ins or chasing around the apartment. Valentina let the brunette do whatever she wanted with her, because she knew that she would also do whatever she wanted with the body of the basketball player, several times, continuously and with millions of feelings involved.

A movement on the bed brought the blonde out of her thoughts. Valentina watched as Juliana, without raising her head from the pillow or opening her eyes, searched with her left arm for the blonde, patting the other side of the mattress. Trying to make as little noise as possible, she put the tray on the dresser and went straight to the bed.

Just as in Bolivia there is 'La ruta del Che', 'La ruta Carvajal' is the path that Valentina will follow, kiss for kiss, until she reaches her perdition. Once she was at the foot of the bed, she silently reached down and placed a kiss on her girl's so-called Achilles heel.

"What the...!" Juliana jumped at the contact and tried to pull her leg away.

"Shhhhh!" The photographer calmed her girl while holding her leg in place. "Relax brunette, I'm not a clown!" She said, unable to prevent the next kiss from including a smile.

"That's not funny!" She managed to mutter before feeling the photographer's lips on the back of her knee.

"What if I was disguised as a clown?" If those who are afraid of heights are made to climb stairs then there had to be a way for her girlfriend to face her fears. While she waited for the answer, she continued her route that little by little approached dangerous terrain.

"Thanofair." I'm pretty sure no one understood what Juliana meant.

"Baby, if you talk into the pillow, I cannot understand what you are saying." And to make it even more difficult, Valentina's mouth had just reached the only garment Juliana was wearing, which unfortunately for the photographer covered the brunette's muscular bottom.

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