Chapter 6: Nobody's Fool!

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One week later - Valentina's Apartment

"Kara Carvajal! How many times do I have to tell you to be careful when exiting the elevator?" Valentina scolded her daughter while the girl waited for her mother to open the apartment door.

"Yes mom." Kara answered with her typical sad demeanour, the way she usually comes home from school.

When mother and daughter entered their home, they found Lauren, Camila, Derek, Mariana, Sam, and Shane all sitting in the living room. They were all arranged on the sofa and chairs around a small table, that was now covered in envelopes, papers, ribbons, and a notebook. It was a mess.

"I'M SORRY... DID YOU DECIDE TO THROW A PARTY IN MY HOUSE AND FORGET TO INVITE ME? Valentina asked her friends. 'I need to get my apartment key back from Lauren,' the blonde thought.

"No, but we have summoned all our friends to help us put together and send out our wedding invitations. We can't do it at home because we don't want Tlacoyo to find out that we aren't inviting his relatives, isn't that right Lolo?" Camila clarified for the blonde.

"Right Camzi Camz," the Latina said and kissed her fiancée, "so stop protesting dumb blonde and sit down, you can help us. And Derek, stop watching television and help!"

"In a minute SATAN! The new Liberty player is coming out to speak now. Apparently, she is really impressive. This season we're going to win!" Derek said excitedly without taking his eyes off the TV.

"I don't think they'll win anything! They sucked last year! They have an awful team." Sam decided to join the conversation.

"SHUT UP SAM! Your team didn't win anything either!" Lauren defended the Liberty team. The rivalry that the sport caused between these three was already well known, while Lauren and Derek supported Liberty, Sam preferred San Antonio.

"KARA! GO DO YOUR HOMEWORK." Valentina reminded her daughter of her duties.

"Yes mom," the girl answered from her room.

"Have things improved at school?" This time it was Shane who was asking.

"Pffff," sighed Valentina, "I don't know, I don't really know Shane, it's the same, I don't know what to do anymore." Valentina, tired of the issue, grabbed an envelope and began to help her friends.

At that moment on the television.

"Ladies and gentlemen, silence please so we can begin the press conference!"

The announcer spoke to the journalists in the room.

"KARA, ARE YOU DOING YOUR HOMEWORK?" Valentina asked her daughter.

"SHHHHHHHH VALENTINA, let us hear the TV!" The Latina challenged her.

"HEY! I REMIND YOU THAT THIS IS MY HOUSE!" She grabbed the remote and turned off the TV.

"What are you doing?" Derek and Lauren shouted at the same time, but it was the green-eyed woman who jumped up to take the control from the blonde and turned the TV on again.

"SHHHHHH!" Which, incidentally, shut them all up.

"With us tonight from the New York Liberty Team we have Coach Arizona Robbins, the team captain, Callie Torres and the new acquisition, and star player of the European league Juliana Valdés."

Applause could be heard in the room, then the hands of journalists shot up, eager to ask questions.

"WHATTT? IT'S HER! BY GOD V, LOOK, LOOK! IT'S HER! IT'S SUPERGIRL!" Lauren elbowed her friend who quickly looked at the screen and was surprised by what she was seeing.

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