Chapter 27: We're in control

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Casa Carvajal - Sunday morning

"This little finger deserves a kiss..." Juliana was sitting against the headboard of Valentina's bed with her girlfriend laying between her legs, the blonde's back resting on the athlete's chest. Juliana was entertaining herself by playing with Valentina's hand, "and this little finger..." she said while kissing each of the blonde's fingers, "and I have to give this little guy a kiss too so that he doesn't get jealous of the others!" She kissed her pinkie finger.

"And these?" Valentina raised her other hand. "If you don't kiss them, they will also get jealous..." she warned, "and if I remember correctly, you have a lot to thank this hand for!" She reminded her of the pleasure she had received.

"Hmmm..." Juliana thought, "Can I kiss all the parts of your body that deserve it?" She asked, leaving a small kiss on the hand Valentina had just raised. The athlete grabbed her girlfriend by the waist pulling her further up her body until her breasts brushed the soft, white back of the blonde. "Until last night I thought I knew what it was like to be with a woman..." she kissed her girlfriend's neck. "Until last night I thought I knew what pleasure was..." little by little her hands left the blonde's waist and began to rise, they had a specific destination in mind. "You changed that..." Juliana stopped the path of her hands just below Valentina's breasts. "Last night... you took me to heaven..." in a coordinated movement her mouth caught the lobe of one of Valentina's ears and her hands squeezed her breasts delicately.

"Juls... mmm... baby..." Valentina knew if the brunette insisted, her body would give way, but she really couldn't take another round. Her girlfriend was insatiable.

"I love you," the brunette said softly in her ear while with her fingers she caught the sensitive nipples of the blonde. "I love you and I want to make love to you a thousand more times to show you." She caressed her girlfriend's breasts again, covering them fully with her hands.

"Julmmm... hon... honey... don't... God... mmm..." the photographer tried to stop them but her moans escaped from her mouth.

"If you think those noises will make me stop, you are very wrong, they drive me crazy!" She informed her as her right hand left one of her favourite places and approached another.

Valentina knew that she would not have much strength to stop 'the beast', in fact the brunette had won the game every time she put it into practice. But to the relief of the photographer and detriment of the athlete, Valentina's cell phone began to ring. "Juls... I have to answer..." she tried to move but the brunette's arms and legs stopped her, "Come on baby... let me answer it," she asked softly.

"No, I don't want you to..." the athlete refused. "I need to touch you," it seems that the last eight hours were not enough.

"It could be Kara!" The blonde had to play her strongest card.

"Oooooh... not fair!" Juliana complained, releasing her girlfriend and throwing herself on to the mattress and covering her face with the pillow.

Valentina smiled and caressed her girlfriend's marked stomach to calm her down. "You look like Kara when I deny her chocolate!" She said while grabbing her cell phone. "Hello!" She answered, still laughing at Juliana who muttered something like, "you are much better than chocolate" under the pillow.


"Nemo." Valentina corrected her, half listening to what her friend was saying and half looking at Juliana, who by the look on her face, was clearly plotting something.

"IT'S THE SAME THING!" Lauren wasn't interested in names right now. Her night hadn't gone any better than she predicted. "NEMO, RENCHO, MENCHO OR WHATEVER HIS NAME... YOU APPEAR AT MY DOOR OR..." Lauren had to stop because she heard odd noises coming from the other side. "What are you doing?" She asked when she heard several noises in a row from the other end of the line.

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