Chapter 75. Daughter of a Tiger

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Saturday night - 'Hell'

"Valentina! Can you take your hands off our daughter's eyes?" Juliana entered Mary's strip club, followed by her wife and daughter.

During the entire car journey, Valentina had insisted Anne's eyes were covered, claiming she didn't want their daughter to find her way back on her own. Juliana thought it was ridiculous, but she was amused watching Valentina try to cover Anne's eyes from the front seat. However, that involved her wife leaning over the passenger seat, which meant her wife's wonderful bottom was on full display, which was distracting. Several abrupt steering wheel corrections earned many complaints from her wife and daughter.

"Juliana... We can't do this... we're bad mothers!" The brunette thought her wife was questioning her morals until she spoke again. "We'll have to take Scarlet to a club like this too, but with men dancing! We can't treat them differently," she said. "And then, when the other two grow up, and oh God, Leni..."

"Kara can take care of Elena, darling," Juliana reassured. If they were bad mothers, it wasn't because they treated their daughters differently. "Anne..." Juliana took advantage of the muffled music to talk to her daughter, even though Valentina was still covering her eyes. "Listen to me, when you go in, I just want you to look around. We'll talk about how to continue afterwards. Okay?" The first step was for Anne to stop feeling nervous in front of a girl she liked.

"Yes." The teenager answered. Valentina removed her hands and Anne blinked several times, adjusting to the light. "Where are...? OH MY GOD! THAT GIRL IS NAKED!" The young woman covered her own eyes with her hands.

"Oh Look, Mary got new girls!" Valentina had already followed her wife's command and was looking around the club.

Juliana rolled her eyes. "You say that like we come here every day!" she reproached.

"We come here every year for Mary's birthday and I can assure you that THAT GIRL..." she pointed to the stage where a brunette, dressed as a policewoman, performed, "is new! I'm going to look for Mary." Juliana grabbed her wife's arm before she left, pulling her into a kiss and starting a fire that would have to be dealt with later.

"No inappropriate staring," said the brunette.

Valentina looked back at her and smiled mischievously, then turned and went to find Mary, exaggerating her usual hip movements.

"Ah Anne, Anne, Anne," without taking her eyes off her wife, she put her hand on her daughter's shoulder. "That woman is going to drive me crazy... or rather, she already does."

"Bella drives me crazy," said the sloth, her hands still covering her eyes. "And I can't even look her in the eye," she added, drawing her mother's attention.

Juliana shook her head trying to dislodge the inappropriate thoughts about her wife, the sloth needed her. "Anne..." she grabbed her daughter by the shoulders and guided her inside the club. "We'll go slow, okay?" She positioned her to face the stage. "I want you to take your hands away and look at the floor," she ordered and her daughter hesitantly obeyed. "Now, you're going to slowly lift your head and look towards the stage. I want you to tell me what you see."

"Okay," her daughter accepted nervously, "I see... the beginning of the stage... it has lights..." her eyes remained close to the floor. Juliana patted her shoulder trying to encourage her.

"Eee..." she swallowed nervously, "I see... I see... some feet... there are two..." Juliana rolled her eyes. "She's wearing black boots with high heels." The brunette gazed at the woman's feet; she hadn't noticed her boots.

"What else? What else do you see?" Juliana pushed.

"I see knees... they're cute... I mean... Can I tell a girl she has nice knees...?"

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