Chapter 28: The owners

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Valentina's Studio - Monday afternoon

"Can you tell me where you're going in such a hurry?" As soon as Lauren got to the studio, she ran into Valentina who was already leaving. "Don't tell me you're running away from the sweetie again... Did she chase you here? Do you want me to give you a hand? Because as insatiable as she is, I don't think she can handle two ex-cheerleaders together!" The Latina was ready for action.

Valentina came to a halt as she rolled her eyes at her best friend. "First of all, I would never share Juliana, and second, don't ever challenge her because I assure you that you will lose another bet, and third, no, I'm not running away from her. Kara called me and said she needs to see me at Jess's bar urgently," she explained and started walking towards the exit again.

"Whatever blondie, but I'll go with you, we need to talk about the Victoria's Secret contracts, or have you forgotten that I need to have them ready before the first session on Saturday," she warned.

"Fine, hurry up, we'll talk about it in the car," the photographer wanted to get to the bar as soon as possible. She was worried, Juliana never left her daughter alone.

Jess's Bar

The women had to walk two blocks from the parking lot to the bar. "So, did we fulfil all of Sara's whims?" Asked the lawyer, reviewing the final touches of the contracts.

"Yes Lern. I know her. She wants me to react, but I refuse to fight with her." Valentina knew her ex would not be easy to handle.

"Wait until she finds out that you are eating the sweetie!" Said the Latina smiling. "Although she must already know, rumours are everywhere!" Several magazines were already speculating about the romance of the star player and the photographer. "By the way, when do you plan to announce it?" She asked curiously.

"I don't know... we haven't had much time to talk!" Valentina smiled mischievously. "This week is going to be impossible..." her smile was fading. "Juliana is leaving tonight and probably won't be back until Saturday."

"On Saturday you have the..."

"Yes, I know Lolo... the Victoria's Secret session," the blonde knew it was important for her career. "I'll be without my girlfriend for almost a week... it's going to be terrible!" Valentina did not want to admit how challenging it would be to spend so much time without Juliana, if she could, she would have her by her side all the time.

"OMG! Why does she do this to me?" Lauren gestured with her head towards the door of the bar where Juliana was leaning against the wall, wearing jeans ripped at the knees, a black t-shirt, and sunglasses. "Hey you!" She caught the attention of the athlete who had not yet noticed their presence. "Don't you know that sweeties melt in the sun?" She asked, using a tone more seductive than reproachful.

When Juliana noticed who was coming towards her, her eyes had only one destination... Valentina. "I hope not, otherwise I will never be able to take my girlfriend to the beach... Hello Lauren... can you close your eyes for ten seconds?" She asked the Latina.

"Okay, Valdés, but if you're going to touch me, I'll let you know that I don't answer for myself!" She joked.

"Lauren!" Valentina challenged her; Juliana was not going to touch anyone. Only her.

"My God, I'm kidding woman. Okay... ten seconds from NOW!" The Latina closed her eyes.

"Hel..." the blonde wanted to say hello to her girlfriend but Juliana decided to take advantage of her ten seconds in another way. The brunette quickly grabbed her girlfriend and pressed her against the wall of the bar in a passionate kiss showing her exactly how much she had missed her.

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