Chapter 52. Gay Paradise

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Juliantina Apartment - The day of the Bachelorette parties, one week before the wedding

"Eva, what are you doing here? The party doesn't begin for another two hours." Valentina received her sister at the door of her apartment. "Why are you covering your eyes?" The photographer thought there was something wrong with her sister.

"Am I interrupting anything? Mom told me it's safer to cover my eyes before entering a room with you and Juliana if I don't want to be scarred for life. Although Camila said I shouldn't miss an opportunity to look at Juliana, so I think I'll risk it," she took her hand away from her face. "Oh, you're dressed," she stated, sounding disappointed.

"What? Did you expect me to receive you wrapped in a bed sheet?" Valentina watched her sister raise an eyebrow in the best Carvajal fashion. "Did dad tell you?" Eva nodded with a smug smile on her face. "Oh my God! How embarrassing!" The photographer clutched her forehead.

The eldest Carvajal took advantage of the distraction and entered the apartment. "Next time, try and remember to wear clothes, little sister," she said.

"In my defence, dad hadn't knocked on the door and I only went out to look for the newspaper," she explained.

"Whatever helps you sleep at night Vale... Anyway, I'm glad one of us has an active sex life. Do you have beer? Where is Juliana? And my favourite niece?" Valentina was not the only cat killer in her family.

The blonde was already returning with the drinks. "Here," she passed a bottle to her sister, "Juliana will be back from Los Angeles soon, it was her turn to take Kara to Lucho's. And with Juliana it is not just a sex life... God, I can assure you that without sex she would die. She's an animal, she's an orgasm machine, she's..."

"You know it's not polite to count money in front of the poor!" Eva told her.

"Are you okay?" Valentina was becoming concerned for her sister.

"Do you want the truth?" Valentina nodded. "I think Mateo is cheating on me," she blurted out suddenly.

"And you say it like it's nothing?" The blonde had almost spat out her beer after her sister's announcement.

"What do you want me to do? It's not the end of the world," she continued drinking her beer, unfazed by her sister's reaction.

"But you're going to do something about it, right?!" The photographer knew her sister and was afraid of the decision she would make.

"Nope," she said simply.

"Like... nothing?" Valentina looked at her surprised.

"Yeah, nothing. And I don't want to talk about it anymore, I have already had enough with all of mom's questions." She warned.

"But Eva..."

"Enough Valentina, I didn't come here for you to question me," she said.

"May I know why you came then? I thought we were going to meet at the restaurant, or that's what mom told me."

"I came early because I wanted to see you... and because I needed a break from Mom and Clara! If I have to hear them talking about the 'crap' they have prepared for tonight one more time, I swear I'll shoot myself!" She groaned. "Get drunk little sister because I don't think you'll survive it sober!" She warned just as Juliana's voice was heard in the distance, and as was customary, she entered the apartment singing, this time it was a Michael Bublé song.

"And you play it coy, but it's kinda cute
Oh, when you smile at me you know exactly what you do
Baby don't pretend, that you don't know it's true
'Cause you can see it when I look at you."

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