Chapter 53. Attack of the vultures

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From the moment Juliana met Valentina, the brunette believed that her parents were somehow testing her from heaven. "Daughter, someday you will meet a girl who will conquer you and bring you to your knees, just as I have with your father," her mother had told her. This conversation came after the third night in a row Juliana came home looking like she'd had sex all night but not remembering the girl's name, "I think it started with M... Miriam, Maria or something like that," she answered when her mother asked who she'd been with.

Sex had never been an issue in the Valdés' home. Juliana would tell her parents everything. Even when she caught them doing their thing, she would just turn around and let them finish. In fact, her father was usually the one who elbowed her when a beautiful woman walked past them, or on the rare occasion her mother would even congratulate Juliana when she pointed out one of her conquests.

Juliana's father had always claimed that she had the ability to enchant women, but when she finally met the woman who could resist her charm, that woman would drive her crazy. Similar to her father's theory, her mother, after watching a fourteen-year-old Juliana seduce one of her classmates, said her daughter had the gift of telepathy. Claiming Juliana was penetrating the minds of the girls and coaxing them to fall madly in love with her. She had also said that the young lady who refused to let Juliana read her mind, but instead made her share her thoughts, would be the lucky one because she would have her daughter worshipping at her feet.

Well, one thing was for sure, they could not have been more right. Juliana knew her parents were probably laughing at her from heaven because Valentina was the one who could resist her charms, and it was the blonde who Juliana couldn't read but instead helped Juliana to share her thoughts and feelings. Valentina could have anything she wants, she worships the ground she walks on, she drives her crazy and when it is not Valentina, it is her daughter who breaks what little resistance Juliana has against the whims of the Carvajal. The worst part though, was that Juliana loved it like that, she loved that they had that effect on her. But what she loved even more was that there was only one more night until that woman, who brought her to her knees, became her wife.

However, the problem of not being able to say no to Valentina became difficult when, after lifting 110 kg on the chest bench in the gym, Juliana received a message from her girlfriend that said, 'I NEED you to come home!' For the brunette, a message like that could only mean one of two things: sex or problems. As it was the day before the wedding and they were going to be separated that night, Juliana could not keep her hands off her fiancée. She had only left the apartment because she knew Valentina was on the verge of locking her in the bathroom, so by logical deduction and to Juliana's disappointment, it couldn't be sex, which left her with the next thing on the list... problems.

"You leaving?" Asked her physical trainer when he saw her walking towards the showers.

"Yep... See you at the wedding... if I'm still getting married," the latter was whispered softly. That, 'I need you to come home,' message could actually mean, 'I have realised I don't love you and I don't want to marry you anymore.' Juliana shook her head to erase those thoughts from her head. Valentina loved her, she couldn't do that to her, could she?

At the door of the Juliantina apartment

Juliana stuck her ear to the door, "I can't hear anything," she said to herself. "Maybe the VPB has assembled?" She wondered, "No," she shook her head. "It can't be," she had prohibited them, plus the president of the VPB doesn't arrive from Los Angeles until tomorrow morning, without a president there would be no meeting. "Maybe things got out of hand when I woke Valentina up like that? How many years in prison would I get if I killed my, soon to be a wife, with orgasms?" She shook her head again. Valentina was fine when she left her to go to training before going to the gym. But Juliana was supposed to spend the night at the Camren house while Lauren stayed with Valentina so something was definitely wrong.

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