Chapter 60. Indecent Proposal

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Valdés-Carvajal House

"Let me see if I understand correctly..." Lauren and Camila were sitting in front of an eight-month pregnant Valentina.

The blonde had called them urgently to speak with them, taking advantage of the fact that Juliana, at the request of her wife, had gone to the park with Kara and little Gabriela. Valentina told her she needed time with her friends without the little ones interrupting them, but in reality, the topic she had to talk about had only one name - Juliana!

"Do you... Valentina Valdés Carvajal... do you really want this? Do you actually want us," Lauren pointed to herself and then to Camila, "to have sex with your wife?!"

Silence followed the question and the photographer bit her lip as she began to nod her head. The dancer and the Latina were currently trying to process the madness that the photographer had come up with.

"I knew it!" Said Lauren. "I told you Camzi Camz... between Kara, the sweetie and now those two mini sweeties she carries in her belly, it's too much for her, she's gone crazy! Too many Valdés genes loose around here, there is no salvation for you, my friend. I'm so sorry!"

Valentina rolled her eyes at her friend's exaggeration.

"Lolo... I think Valen is serious!" Camila was more perceptive than her wife. "Besides, none of them actually carry the Valdés genes and our daughter is also turning into one. Did you see the way she sped towards Juls when we arrived?" Asked the dancer.

"Of course, I saw her! It's that damn cool club the sweetie and the little rat invented. My daughter is becoming one of them. Soon she will be winking at women and opening doors or going to see them naked in a bars..."

"You didn't complain about that bar when Juliana took you to see Jasmine!" Reminded Valentina.

"SHE PROMISED ME!" Lauren defended herself. "She promised that after my daughter was born, she would take me to see her," she added. "Jasmine missed me too, she told me!"

"She missed the one hundred dollars per dance she charged Juliana!" That was the harsh reality.

"THAT'S NOT TRUE!" Lauren felt like she had been stabbed in the heart.

Camila gave Valentina a threatening look, the dancer would not allow her wife's illusion to be broken, and the photographer understood.

"I was joking, Lern," she lied. "They don't charge for your dances," she lied again and Lauren sighed as she calmed. "Now, can we get back to what is important, please? It was really hard for me to ask you for this favour." Valentina needed the help of her friends.

"Valen... you know that neither Lolo nor I would have a problem helping you entertain Juls," Lauren agreed with what her wife said. "But we don't understand why you are asking us," Camila was confused.

"Just yesterday you almost killed Camz for wanting to say hello to 'Dorito'!"

'Dorito', was the name of the square on Juliana's stomach that Valentina had, not so generously, given to Camila. It had been a long and heated discussion between Lauren and Valentina but the Latina had won in the end, obviously! And only because Juliana had ended the argument by flipping a coin.

"Have you seen my wife lately?" She asked them.

"We saw her when we arrived V," the dancer answered innocently.

"I know Camz," that was not what the pregnant woman was referring to. "I mean, have you really looked at her?" She rephrased the question.

Both girls looked at each other. "Erm... Well V... you know we always look..."

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