Chapter 62. The forbidden list

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Four years later

Valentina's photography studio

Lauren, Camila, Shane, and Mariana walked into Valentina's studio. They were meeting the blonde for lunch.

"Good morning Ines!" They greeted the photographer's assistant.

"Where's Valentina?" Between her hunger and her impatience, the Latina was already feeling irritated.

"In her office, she has been talking to Juliana for hours," she pointed towards the office. "I would enter with care," she warned.

"Phone sex again?" Camilla asked.

"I don't know about that, although it is possible."

Everyone now knew to cover all five senses before entering a room with Valentina or Juliana.

"NO SIR!" Lauren jumped. "Phone sex is not going to delay my lunch!" She hurried towards the door of the photographer's office. "That slutty blonde sex addict will listen to me either way," Lauren was very hungry.

"WAIT FOR ME LOLO!" Camila was not going to miss the possibility of catching Valentina red-handed.

Lauren didn't hesitate, she threw open the door. "BUT WHAT THE HELL! This is like Deja vu." Valentina's office was full of flowers, bouquets of red roses in one corner, bouquets of lilacs in others. Lillies on one side, daisies on the other... It was like walking into spring itself. But the flowers were not alone, there were stacked boxes of chocolates, Victoria's Secret bags, designer dresses, etc.

"Shhhh!" Valentina silenced her by covering the telephone receiver. When she saw her friends standing at the door, she motioned for them to come in.

"Juliana, honey, I have to attend to something important. Can you please call me back soon?" Valentina was using her best innocent voice.

"Don't tell me she did it again?" Lauren asked as soon as the blonde ended the call. Shane counted the bouquets of flowers; Mariana checked the Victoria's Secret bags that accompanied the bouquets and Camila did the butterfly dance celebrating spring. "Was the wrath of the beast unleashed again?" She asked.

"Yep, not a single piece of healthy underwear was left," she assured them. "At one point during the night, when I thought she had fallen asleep, I got up to put on some underwear but the next thing I knew, she was breathing down my neck again. She grabbed my underwear drawer and threw it out the window, literally!" Valentina assured them, sitting in the armchair behind her huge desk. "If you had seen how the doorman looked at me this morning!" It was not easy to leave the building with her head up. "Thank God for dark glasses," she said.

"How many times V? Tell me, have no mercy," Lauren was no longer surprised by the records the beast achieved.

"I lost count after the ninth time I screamed her name... I don't think I was conscious when the other orgasms came." Valentina watched as her four friends rolled their eyes in unison.

A knock on the door pulled them out of their amazement. "Permission," Ines entered with a huge box in her hands, several men followed behind her with more bouquets and other packages. "Put them over there," she pointed to an empty space.

"The chocolates too?" Asked one of the delivery men pointing to his package.

"We'll take care of those," Lauren needed something to kill her hunger.

"I think I will leave this with you," Inés left her box on top of the desk. "Do you think many more of these will continue to arrive?" She asked her boss.

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