Chapter 15: The Last Possibility

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At the Airport

"Hahahaha!" Lauren couldn't stop laughing. "Haha, I wish I had seen her face. You could've let me watch V! I would have given my silicones to see her face, although, Camila would kill me!" The Latina had accompanied her friend to the airport to collect her parents.

"I couldn't take it anymore, I had to end it! Oh God, when I told her 'not to call me honey,' you should have seen her face, she wanted to kill me! Do you remember the day she bought the Carolina Herrera bag, and you told her it was fake? Well, that was the face! Hahaha!" Valentina was entertaining her friend, remembering her eventful morning at Kara's school.

"Hahaha, stop V, stop! I'm going to wet myself!" She was doubled over holding her stomach, "Do you think we'll see her again?" The Latina did not want to cross paths with the witch again.

"Well that's the problem, next month I start the Victoria's Secret campaign and you know that Sara is one of the models!" That was going to be an uncomfortable situation.

"True." Lauren nodded. "That will be problematic V! You know that witch is capable of becoming the next 'Annie Wilkes'! She is likely to kidnap you, tie you to the bed and force you to have sex with her every night! Haha! 'Misery' wouldn't even describe it!"

"Stop Lern, it's not funny! Do not put images in my head, I'll have nightmares!" Valentina did not want to even think about the model.

"Okay, but seriously Valen, it was about time you left that bitch. Camz and I no longer knew how to put up with her! But now?" Lauren asked with a malicious smile, "Do you have your eye on another 'sweetie' or what V?"

Before she could answer, Valentina spotted her parents rushing through the airport looking for her.

"Daughter!" Her parents greeted her with hugs and kisses. "Lauren, it's so nice to see you! Oh, and by the way, your parents want you to call them, they want to know how the wedding preparations are going." Lucia told the Latina.

"Leon, Lucia what a joy to see you." Lauren rolled her eyes, "And don't worry, as soon as I get home, I will call my parents." Lauren lied, she would rather teach the damn cat how to dance, than listen to her mother try and convince her to serve meat instead of chicken.

"How was the flight?" Valentina asked her parents.

"Hmm... good movie, bad food! Although your father slept the whole trip." Lucia told the girls. "Where is my favourite granddaughter? Are we going to pick her up at school?"

"Ha!" The girls laughed at the same time, "Mother, if you dare to go looking for Kara, the girl is capable of killing you. Nobody is allowed to take away her afternoons with Juliana." Valentina explained still laughing. "Not even me, and it's my birthday!"

"Last Thursday Juliana had double training, so I collected Kara instead of the sweetie, she pouted all day until Juliana arrived with a litre of ice cream and another damn hippopotamus!" Lauren remembered, "I swear, if she buys one more of those damn toys, I am going to kill the sweetie, although I would totally cut off her legs and put them on display!"

"Yes, yes, she told me about that... what did she name this one Leon?" Lucia asked her husband who was carrying all the suitcases.

"Five!" The three said in unison.

"So, now that you've mentioned her, I want to know everything about this Juliana woman. Every time we talk to the Kara, she only talks about Juliana, but recently there was a development... she no longer calls her Juliana... now she refers to her as Mommy!" A confused Leon spoke this time.

"Do you have time for a coffee Leon?" Asked Lauren, "because there is a LOT to explain!"

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