Chapter 21: The first, not the last

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Valentina's Apartment

"AUNT LOLO HURRY UP!" Kara called her aunt again. She had gone to the bathroom for the tenth time to get ready. "Mom, can you go look for her? I want to say hello to Mommy Juls before the game starts." The girl convinced her mother while pouting.

Valentina knocked insistently on the bathroom door, "LAUREN!" She knocked again, "LAUREN WE ARE GOING TO BE LATE!" More knocking, "LAUREN JAUREGUI IF YOU DO NOT GET OUT OF THAT BATHROOM RIGHT NOW, I WILL BUY CAMILA ANOTHER CAT!" Threatened the blonde.

The door was thrown open, "You do not have to go to extremes Valentina, don't even say that jokingly! Do I look ok?" Asked the lawyer who was wearing a short dress, she looked like she was going to a party rather than a basketball game.

Valentina looked her up and down, but Shane answered before her, "Satan, you know we are going to a basketball game, right?" The Latina nodded. "Then why the hell are you wearing an evening dress?" She asked without mincing her words.

"Hey... we are the VIP guests of the teams star player! This..." she pointed to her clothes, "will look beautiful on camera!" Concluded the Latina. "And you can also see the end of Irina's signature, see?" She showed her chest to her friends.

"I'M NOT SITTING NEXT TO LAUREN!" Derek said raising his hand.

"ME NEITHER!!" Said the rest in chorus with their hands raised.

"CAMZ! Lower your hand!" The lawyer demanded.

"I'm sorry Lolo, but if they focus on us on the stadium screen, I don't want people to laugh at us." Camila explained reasonably leaving Lauren thinking.

"I'll be right back," the Latina announced and went into Valentina's room.

"NOOOOO! MAMI we're going to be late!" The girl could not bear another change of clothes from her aunt.

"I know honey... I know!" Valentina calmed her daughter on the sofa.

In the Liberty Stadium

"Look at those idiots lining up." Lauren pointed to the people who were waiting to enter the stadium. "VIP'S LIKE US DON'T HAVE TO WAIT!" She said aloud. The quasi-fame had gone to her head.

"Lauren can you stop that!" Valentina challenged her, "Kara darling don't run," she added when she saw her daughter was moving quickly towards a big security guard at the entrance of the stadium.

"Jack!" The little girl greeted the Man.

"Hey little Kara, you've arrived! Juliana was worried," apparently the man was waiting for them.

"Kara?" Valentina approached her daughter when she saw her chatting with the man.

"Mom, this is Jack, mommy Juls sent him to wait for us." The little girl explained, pointing to the man who was now talking on the phone.

When they were all together Jack ushered them in. "Okay, Juliana told me to ask you if you would prefer to watch the game in the stands or from the private box?" The man looked at them waiting for an answer.

"FROM THE STANDS," they answered in unison, being a few meters from the court was something they were not going to miss.

"Perfect! Here are your passes. They are for the whole season," Jack explained. "If you can wait here for a few seconds, I will accompany these ladies to the boardroom..." he gestured towards the Carvajal ladies, "and I'll be back to take you to your seats," the others agreed.

"V!" Lauren called her friend. "Don't distract the sweetie too much, you know... don't be squeezing her against the doors! I have money at stake here and the face the trout mouth makes when we make fun of him is SPECTACULAR! A few kisses no more, do not use your tongue so much..."

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