Chapter 43. A real bachelorette party

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Casa Carvajal - Saturday
(One week before the wedding)

"Please Valentina! Open the door," Juliana begged through the bathroom door.

"Nope!" Valentina took the opportunity to change. "If you can't control yourself... Well then... you will have to stay in there!" The photographer couldn't stop laughing.

"It was only a few kisses, a few caresses and a few cuddles," she defended herself.

"Juliana... is that what you call waking me up with your mouth practically sucking and biting one of my nipples?" The artist could hear how her girlfriend hit her forehead against the door at the mention of that part of her anatomy.

"Ouch!" Valentina knew that blow had hurt. "It was just a few caresses to wake you up. I had no intention of disobeying you." Valentina had made it very clear that she wanted her well away from her private parts. At least until she was fully recovered. "Seriously, I was not looking for anything else, I swear," the blonde could almost hear the kisses her girlfriend was probably giving her fingers as part of the oath.

"Do you swear on Diet Coke?" She asked.

"Yes," was the immediate response of the brunette.

"Do you swear on Jessica Larsson?" She tried one of her weaknesses.

"Yep," that didn't sound so convincing.

"You swear on Michael Jordan?" Valentina gradually entered the areas she knew her girlfriend would not be so willing to cross. "Do you swear on Michael Jordan?" She asked again before the silence of her girl.

"Eeeee... yeah," a short and doubtful yes.

"Do you swear on me?" And with this answer the fate of the brunette would be decided. Absolute silence. Juliana murmured something that Valentina could not distinguish. "I can't hear you," she said.

"Okay, I lied!" Juliana said louder so she could be heard clearly.

"I need more information darling," the blonde really liked to play with her brunette.

"It's a lie that I only had those intentions," she completed.

"And what were your intentions my love?" She already knew but she liked to hear it.

"I wanted to make love to you again," she could perfectly imagine the kind of pouting her girl was making in the bathroom.

The blonde had wanted to take advantage of the fact that Kara had gone to Los Angeles with her father. She had planned to carry out as much work as possible, helping her friends with the final preparations for the wedding and organising Lauren's bachelorette party.

The problem was Valentina forgot that her girlfriend was Juliana 'the beast' Valdés and that the brunette would have her own plans in the absence of Kara. Which basically consisted of 'christening' all corners of the house, according to the words of the sportswoman. The kitchen countertops, chairs and armchairs in the living room, the table around the armchairs, bathtubs, showers, and every potential place that Juliana or even sometimes she herself considered feasible to have sex. The only forbidden place was Kara's room. What was worse, not even Sergio's kitchen was spared, and the latter was the photographer's idea. To the regret of her girlfriend, the photographer had no choice but to resort to locking her in the bathroom. Sooner or later, she had to organise everything for the night's bachelorette party.

"See you tonight, Sam is going to come and open for you, I already sent him a message." Valentina awaited the answer from her girlfriend which never came, "Juls..." the photographer approached the bathroom door, "baby... are you okay?" She asked without receiving an answer. "Do you have a bump on your head?" She bit her lip to keep from laughing.

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