Chapter 48. The Resurrection of the Beast

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bakery in New York - last day of abstinence

"What do you think of this Lolo?" Valentina gave her a spoonful of wedding cake. They had several cake samples to in front of them while trying to decide on one for the wedding.

"Gross! I hate hazelnuts!" The Latina was disgusted, "I like the one Camz is eating better. EXCUSE ME!" She called the person who was attending them. He was a serious young man.

"Can you get us more of that cake?" She pointed to the piece the dancer was eating.

"The white chocolate mousse with cajun filling?" The girls looked at each other.

"Yeah that," said the Latina. "And a black coffee for me," Lauren added.

"A latte for me," asked Valentina.

"I want chocolate milk," the dancer raised her hand.

"I'm sorry but we do not serve coffee or any beverages. This is not a café," the man apologised.

Valentina and Lauren looked at each other.

"Just to get this straight, we have come to this establishment to choose the wedding cake of not only New York's most famous photographer, Valentina Carvajal, but also the star player of New York Liberty, Juliana Valdés! Are you seriously telling us that you won't even serve us coffee?" Bitch mode activated. "Do you have any idea how many bakeries have contacted us asking for the exclusive honour to make this wedding cake?" She said firmly.

"Clearly you have no idea what you are doing, so I will avoid calling your superior and having you fired. But I will not give this bakery the pleasure of having their cake at my wedding," Valentina complained in a superior manner, "maybe in another bakery they will take care of us properly." Said the photographer, lifting her purse as she stood up.

"Can I take my cake?" The dancer had liked cajun filling.

"One moment please." An older lady appeared. "You will have to excuse Daniel; he is new here. You can go Daniel, I will look after these ladies," she addressed the young man. "My name is Dorothy. How can I help you, Miss Carvajal?" The woman had recognised her.

"Well, I'm sure you have already seen it in the newspapers and magazines, but I am getting married in a few months and my mother insisted I stop by this bakery to try the cakes," she said.

"Yes, Yes. We heard about your engagement to Miss Valdés. If I had known you were coming, I would have attended you from the beginning. I'm sorry." The woman was interested in the sale, whatever it took.

"Apologies accepted Dorothy. My friends and I were just asking for a drink to accompany the cakes we were trying," Valentina explained.

The woman assured them that the coffee, latte and chocolate milk would arrive in a few minutes, accompanied by more samples of cake for the VIP clients.

"God, I love it when they kiss our feet like this. I'm sure Daniel will be looking for work tomorrow!" Sometimes the Latina had no mercy.

"Did you see his face when he heard my last name?" Valentina laughed along with Lauren.

"If Juls finds out that you two are abusing employees, she'll kill you. And as Juls' bridesmaid," Lauren did not like to be reminded, "I have a duty to tell her!" Camila threatened.

The other two just stared at her. When the dancer had informed the athlete that Lauren and Valentina had made half the catering staff cry, Juliana threatened to kidnap Valentina and take her to Las Vegas and marry her in a seedy little church. She also warned them if they continued to mistreat people their honeymoon would be in the middle of the Gaza Strip.

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