Chapter 23: The Beast

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The next morning in Valentina's Apartment

"GOOD MORNING!" Valentina greeted Lauren and Camila who had just woken up, they had spent the night in her apartment taking care of Kara.

"What are you doing here?" Lauren asked, "Don't tell me you spent the night having sex with the sweetie while we and your daughter slept in the other rooms?" Assumed the lawyer.

"Good morning to you too Lern, ​​and no, Juliana did not stay here." She answered as she poured herself a cup of coffee.

"Good morning Valen," Camila greeted, "don't listen to Lolo, she's being an idiot because I wouldn't let her get into the shower with me." Camila knew the rules in Valentina's house: #1. Never let Kara use the kitchen alone, and #2. No sex in her shower!

"Thank God you are here to stop your sexaholic demon of a fiancée Camz!" She gave her a kiss on the cheek.

"Plus, if you and Juls had been here having a sweet love session, you would have invited us, right?" She looked at her friend to make sure.

"Haha!" Laughed the Latina. "And now who is the sexaholic demon?" She mocked the blonde.

Valentina ignored the subject. After dinner at Juliana's house and packing up all her now non-existent sex toys, Valentina was definitely not in the mood to explain this to Camila again. Under no circumstances would she share Juliana in that way with her best friends.

"By the way there is a box in my room that I need you to take with you," Valentina informed them, "take it as a gift from Juliana."

Lauren when hearing 'gift' did not think twice, she practically ran to the room and was back in the kitchen again in record time.

"God Lauren, aren't you desperate?" Asked Valentina. "Before you open it..." because she knew she was going to, "I don't want any jokes about it!" She warned her friends.

"Ay Valen, Valen, jokes? You know that's not my style..." the lawyer lied while opening the box. "FOR THE LOVE OF GOD... what is this?" She asked by simple reflex because she already knew what it was.

"Lolo! They are the same kind of movies you like to watch when you think I'm not there," confessed Camila.

"You let her have them?" A surprised Valentina asked the dancer while Lauren rummaged through the box without paying attention to the conversation of the other two.

"Valentina believe me, there are times when I have to escape from her because I can't take it anymore and those films become my best friends, do you understand?" Camila explained.

"There's an entire collection of Jessica Larsson!" Lauren was very excited, she couldn't believe her luck. "Well, I guess we already know who the sexaholic demon is now eh?" She concluded, looking at Valentina with an evil smile. "And why did she decide to give them all away?" She asked curiously.

"Well... I may have forced her, or something like that," said the blonde trying to downplay it.

The other two looked at her questioningly.

"Don't look at me like that... she's my girlfriend and I..."

"YOUR GIRLFRIEND?" They asked together.

Valentina could not hide her smile, she loved to say it, "Yes," she just said.

"Yes? Is that the only thing you're going to say?" Her friend pressed her. "We have been here with you moping about for months and now all you say is 'yes', seriously?" Evidently that was not enough for her.

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